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Can this "Whatever" be saved?

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The long story short is that I met an amazing man as we were both coming out of a divorce. We were "Friends with Benefits" and never put a title on our relationship. As things pursued (about 7 months in) I started talking about a commitment but he told me he was not able to be in a committed relationship. He aslo told me on several occassions that I should start dating. Well, I did just that but first off, we had differant ideas of dating. He thought I would be out having coffee with people once in a while. I was out looking for a husband.


Our agreement was that we would not have sex with other people and that we would let the other know if we were getting emotionally close to another person. Although I did not have sex with anyone else nor did I get emotionally close with anyone there were things that went on that I did not share with him and at times even lied about. He started going through my emails and realized this. Now he is very hurt and I am disappointed that I see no chance of a future with a man that I love. So can this "Whatever" it is be saved?

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It depends on what things went on and the fact that he felt that you lied to him! It is not fair though, that he would be hurt when he did not want to commit and is now mad. Idk!

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