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Inside the mind of a Stripper and/or Very Hot Female

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Also Carbine, I know how you feel cause I kinda feel similar often, and I have to tell you that I realized that most people, especially most guys consider our behavior very "psycho-like", and neurotic in general. You probably constantly ask your bf "Do you think she's pretty?" "Rate her 1-10" etc... I'm not sure if you do this, but I know I do, so it's possible that you do as well.


I know a lot of females like this, but the thing is that we all have to stay strong and pretend to the guys that we are not "totally psycho", because from my experience SOME guys get scared/extremely annoyed when their girlfriend gets mad at other pretty girls just because their pretty and then constantly badger the guy by asking him if he think this or that girl is pretty, and if so WHY? And then ask how you stack up to her etc... It can go ad nauseum, even over girls just on tv. Trust me. I know.


So the women that I know who feel this way (getting mad at other girls for being pretty), usually at least try and act normal and secure.


If you act like you're secure long enough, after awhile you almost start to believe it, which is good. You probably have a lot of anxiety, I say take it out on your girlfriends and such... It's good if you have a friend who is neurotic about this stuff as well so you can talk about it among yourselves, but don't try to to scare your boyfriend too much by talking about it all the time.


A lot of guys get fed up and will leave if you constantly badger them because of your own security and then blame HIM for thinking someone is attractive, but it's because YOU were asking questions in the first place which you didn't want to know the answer too. I KNOW if your bf answered "Yes, i think that girl is pretty", you would get VERY mad. So don't even ask. Try not to.

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Alright. I don't think I'm the prettiest girl in the world, but I do know that I'm attractive. I've won pageants, I've been boy crazy and had boys crazy about me, and I'm now pursuing modeling/acting because I've always been told I should. One time I was bringing my boyfriend to the airport and on the way back to my car I got asked in the elevator if I was a model by complete strangers. Just one of many stories.


Anyways, I am like cutegirl. Sometimes when I see a boy with a girl and he looks my way a thought goes through my brain that he was checking me out or that I'm better looking than his girlfriend. I know it's not the best characteristic to have, but I do have those thoughts often. I have never and will never just try to steal someone's boyfriend because I think I am capable, but I have had the thought process that I could probably get a guy to cheat on his girlfriend.


So yes, there are women in this world that have that mind frame. I know that sounds terrible of me, but hey.. I'm just being honest.

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You really want to know what strippers think?


It is a job just like any other job.


We do not want your boyfriends or husbands.


All we are thinking is "dam* my feet hurt, I'm tired and want to go home, hope I make some decent tips tonight as my car payment is due next week, sheesh that guy stinks, he should take a bath."


Sorry to burst anyone's fantasy bubble that your man is soooo irresistible that every woman wants him. :lmao:


btw I haven't been a stripper in over 20 years and I'm sure the ones who do it now feel the same way.


also I resent that somehow we are so much more damaged than the next person for taking our clothes off and preying on men's horn dogness for money.


People in the corporate world are far more devious and sinister and they do it with their clothes on.

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Trial by Fire hit the nail on the head. I want to propose that you do a little research of your own. Everytime you go out, shopping, work, EVERYWHERE look at every woman you see. This time though we are not looking for hot bodies, perfect hair or facial features. I want you to look for attractive woman. They walk errect, they have a pleasant smile on their face, they will probably nod and acknowledge you. Mostly they will exude inner peace and happiness. THAT is attractive, THAT attracts men, no they aren't inclined to want to stuff dollars down her pants. THIS woman doesn't even notice who is looking at her. When you find these women you will think that you can't put your finger on what makes her so beautiful but you'll definately want some of what she has.


The second part of this is to watch men watching women. They ALL do it. It's my favorite part of people watching, to stand in line and watch the men around me as they look women down and up (yep, they all go down and up, not up and down). Who knows what they are thinking.


The third part and you can do these simultaneously it to spot hot women and see how many actually exude inner beauty and peace.


My husband and I had a conversation one day about one of the women with a child on my sons team. I said how beautiful she was, he had seen her once from afar and said I was crazy. The next Saturday I went up and introduced her to him and when we left, he said, I never saw her up close, she is gorgeous. This woman is not thin with a perfect body, some facial scaring, a different ethnicity, but to be in her presence is such a treat. She exudes peace, confidence, happiness. The first time I saw her, I thought, God, I want what she has. EVERYONE there gravitated to her. A woman with a beautiful body, without a smile, or grace and confidence, kindness and peacefullness, isn't beautiful at all - to anyone. Look around you, you will see that EVERYONE, not just men, are attracted to these women.

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If you don't value your boyfriend and are sizing him up to other men then what do you expect him to do to you?


That's really not fair brickaney. I never said I didn't value him. Anyway, I may as well point out now that I'm a Nihilist, and I don't actually have values. Values to me are baseless. All that aside, I certainly don't discuss with him how he measures up to my friend and other guys. He's never asked and I don't see the point in bringing it up with him. Besides, the way I behave isn't necessarily reciprocated by him. He has his own mind and he understands how and why my behaviour springs from my non-existent self-esteem, a trait which he doesn't share.


What kind of adult actually listens to these people and lets it dictate how they feel about themselves?


An adult who hangs out with honest people and is prepared to accept the truth, no matter how much it hurts. Who wants friends that aren't honest and truthful? In my experience, insincerity is way more hurtful in the long run. Besides, we don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, other people's opinions have power over us, whether or not we want to believe it.


Who cares what the stripper thinks? Concentrate on how YOU think!


Me. I care. Several reasons why: 1) largely to satisfy my own morbid curiosity, 2) if i know the truth then I'm more likely to become angry and frightened which in my experience is going to provoke me into doing something to improve my state, rather than just sitting here like a melancholy tub of lard, 3) if i have the facts and some hard evidence that backs up my initial fears, then i can use this as leverage to the argument that my bf should not attend strip clubs and/or hang out with attractive girls.


It sounds like you have no trust for your guy, you must know him by now not to cheat? Has he cheated on you in the past? If so then I can see a little bit of why your jealous and insecure, but if he hasn't then I don't see where you would be basing your insecurates from.


It depends how you define 'cheat'. I recently found out about something that happened early on in our relationship. He went on a boys' weekend to this car racing thing in another state. Apparently, they went out on the town a couple of nights and went to strip clubs. He apparently got a lapdance on these two seperate occasions. One he claims he couldn't remember as he was too drunk. The second one he told me that she was this tall, blonde gorgeous babe and that (given the more relaxed laws in that particular state) he touched her tits and body because it was legal. When he first admitted it, he claimed that he was really sorry about what he did and that he'd been wanting to tell me for ages but was too ashamed. He said that he didn't know about my self-esteem issues back then, that he was very drunk, and that his friends pushed him into it. However, when I was still upset weeks later, he got frustrated and tried to argue that he thought we weren't together at the time (bulls***!) and that he hadn't done anything wrong because it's his right as a male to get the occasional lapdance.


So what do you think? I certainly consider it cheating, no questions asked.


Stop watching tv, ok? And go see a therapist/counselor.


I do not watch tv. There's nothing worth watching. I base my opinions on people i see in the street, people i work with, people who hang out in my bf's crowd etc.


The poster wanted the truth so I'm just being honest. Attractive people usually KNOW their attractive.


Exactly. And most attractive people with half a brain in their heads will almost always use it to their advantage.


The second part of this is to watch men watching women. They ALL do it. It's my favorite part of people watching, to stand in line and watch the men around me as they look women down and up (yep, they all go down and up, not up and down). Who knows what they are thinking.


Okay, I promise I will undertake what you've suggested over the next few weeks. I will say now though (in regards to the above) that from what i've seen, men will tend to stare more intensely, and for longer at women who have good bodies, nice tans and blonde hair. I've done a lot of people watching in my time, often just sitting at my favourite cafe in the local shopping centre. The guys will most likely look in earnest at the girl once she's walked past them...hence they can't see her face and/or facial expression. All they can see is her back, waist, butt and legs.

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I just want to say that I can really relate to a lot of the posters here. A lot of people tell me that I'm attractive. Honestly, I'm very modest. I think I look good, but I'm not full of myself about it. I actually get kind of flustered when people compliment me, because I'm not sure what to say without looking full of myself or like i'm fishing for compliments.


I am very, very, very competitive when it comes to other women. I've been with my boyfriend for two years, and there are girls that actually HAVE tried to steal him. Quite a few. Not the 'oh my god, she's talking to him, she's trying to steal him'..... the 'hey, i think you're hot... we should have sex'. No word of a lie, there was one girl who was trying to have sex with him before we moved away. He told me all about it.

She said pretty much 'since we're never gonna see each other again, we should have sex, because I've always wanted to bang you, and since this is the last time ill see you, it wont matter if we do'. His ex also still writes comments in her profile about him, even though they havent dated in almost 3 years.


Just be very very thankful you haven't had to deal with that. It's absolutely maddening. Not only am I competitive, but I've also found a have a very very short temper with these types of women, almost to the point of driving to their house and brawling with them.... straight out fisticus. lol. Especially cause they know he's with me.


These women push me to make sure he's happy. They push me to stay in shape. They push me to put in that extra effort to do my makeup and hair perfectly when I go to see him. They push me to give him all the love and attention he could ever possibly want.


My point is, even though inside I hate these women, and I would love nothing more than to lay into them and say 'back off my man, b*tch'.... I don't.

I turn their negative energy into positive energy. I use their homewrecker super powers as a source of energy to push myself. I thrive off the competitive mojo.


Even though some people will think thats weird, its more or less my way of not letting these people get me down. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with being jealous or competitive or angry at these people, it's part of the human condition. But you can use these emotions in a positive way.


I dunno, i'm trying to put it into a coherent statement, but i've been up all night. so thats as good as its gonna get right now i think lol.

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OFCOURSE they do. Men are visual, all the crying in the world won't change that. Of all of my single girl friends its the most beautiful that have trouble with entering and retaining relationships with men. These women aren't always happy either. What's most funny to me is to watch women brought together in a goup that haven't met. They will stare at each other, especially the one they percieve to be the most beautiful OR the most happy. I have a personal rule, "the first one who looks looses"!


Funny story, I was alone at a club with a large group of friends who hung out every Friday together. One of the guys brought a date. Another guy friend of mine corners me and seriously begins to tell me he thinks the date is interested in me. LOL, I rolled, good grief man, she's checking out the competition (which wasn't me, as I am married). She was VERY pretty but spent the night watching other women - she was funny, and having a good time but under it all, she was obviously very selfconscious.


Men want a woman who is kind, peaceful, fun, confident and not demanding. They love to look at beautiful women AND beautiful cars ,ect... I hope that you can find in your self peace and contintment, beauty fades with age and circumstances the other you can carry to your grave and noone can take away, and people will notice! I love to watch little girls before they succumb to the expectations of society. You can take the ugliest little girl running around with no clue how ugly she is - and she is the cutest one there. "so ugly she's cute"

I agree with the poster that said fake it until you get there and when you are with a beautiful woman with your boyfriend pretend you have a wonderful secret. Be absolutely thrilled, she'll wonder what you have/know that she doesn't.

PS. As a woman with medium length curly blonde hair, I always feel a touch green when I see a woman with long straight shiny black hair!

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An adult who hangs out with honest people and is prepared to accept the truth, no matter how much it hurts. Who wants friends that aren't honest and truthful? In my experience, insincerity is way more hurtful in the long run. Besides, we don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, other people's opinions have power over us, whether or not we want to believe it.


Me. I care. Several reasons why: 1) largely to satisfy my own morbid curiosity, 2) if i know the truth then I'm more likely to become angry and frightened which in my experience is going to provoke me into doing something to improve my state, rather than just sitting here like a melancholy tub of lard, 3) if i have the facts and some hard evidence that backs up my initial fears, then i can use this as leverage to the argument that my bf should not attend strip clubs and/or hang out with attractive girls.


It depends how you define 'cheat'. I recently found out about something that happened early on in our relationship. He went on a boys' weekend to this car racing thing in another state. Apparently, they went out on the town a couple of nights and went to strip clubs. He apparently got a lapdance on these two seperate occasions. One he claims he couldn't remember as he was too drunk. The second one he told me that she was this tall, blonde gorgeous babe and that (given the more relaxed laws in that particular state) he touched her tits and body because it was legal. When he first admitted it, he claimed that he was really sorry about what he did and that he'd been wanting to tell me for ages but was too ashamed. He said that he didn't know about my self-esteem issues back then, that he was very drunk, and that his friends pushed him into it. However, when I was still upset weeks later, he got frustrated and tried to argue that he thought we weren't together at the time (bulls***!) and that he hadn't done anything wrong because it's his right as a male to get the occasional lapdance.


So what do you think? I certainly consider it cheating, no questions asked.




Lap dance is considered cheating in my book. I've been neurotic about this myself cause I had an ex going too, so I researched A LOT about it. A lap dance is basically dry humping, some guys actually ejaculate from lap dances and some guys wear condoms during the dance.


Do a search in google for "lap dance mileage" or "high mileage lap dance". There are forums where guys actually discuss which dancers give the most "mileage", mileage meaning highest contact including fingerbanging, full on sex, oral in the vip room, "stick shifting" which is playing with the package or stroking it outside his pants. Guys actually discuss among themselves on certain forums which dancers give "extras"... I see topics like "Have you ever orgasmed from a lap dance?" and "What is proper etiquette when I cum during a dance?" Yea it's gross but I'm just saying I consider it full on cheating. Also do a search for "stripperweb" it's one of the largest strip club forums out there with both dancers and customers posting and you can really learn a lot from there. It's kinda mild over there, the girls are very nice and intelligent. If you want to learn what goes on in a GUY's mind even search for some Escort/prostitution forums, some will have a section dedicated to just strip clubs. Pm me if you want a link. Guys in there are always discussing how FAR they can go for the lowest price. And they do go far.


I know that most strip clubs are strict and have cameras, but you never know, there's lots of shady clubs and even in "classy clubs" I'm sure the occasional hanky panky goes on in a dark corner somewhere, no matter how brief.


And your looks have NOTHING to do with it. You could be a playboy model and if your bf is a dick he'll STILL go get lap dances. Some men feel they are entitled to it. There's a saying "For every gorgeous woman there's a man who's sick of F'ing her". I say leave him, he's an inconsiderate jerk. It's not a guarantee that even if you lose weight and look like a supermodel he won't still go to strip clubs. I even read about STRIPPERS complaining and forbidding their man to get dances from OTHER strippers. All woman deal with this crap no matter what they look like.


I think strippers are just regular woman doing a job, and I have nothing against them at all. It's the men that we as women pick. I think that the money could be spent on something more worthwhile, like on me perhaps!


I forbid my bf from going to strip clubs and hanging out with other females. We're both anti social so we mostly hang with each other, I like it that way. My bf has other faults though even though he doesn't go to strip clubs. All men have faults and if you find one that doesn't go to strip clubs most likely he'll have some other defect (I'm speaking from my own experience). I find sometimes it's best to be alone.

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I'll admit i am a attractive female.. i am mixed with Filipino , portugese. and japense so i have that exotic beauty most guys are into..i have a very nice slim figure..only big in the right places if you catch my drift..


I am only 24 but most of my life its been hard for me to make friends with my guys friends girlfriends..just because they always accused me of trying to steal them..which is not true..i just mind my own business then next thing you know..i hear that she is overly jealous of me and stars accusing me of this and that..telling people "who does she think she is"...I can really care less of stealing your boyfriend..and if i am smiling at him..Its maybe because i am a friendly person and i smile at everyone..i cant help the way i look..no one can..


SO my advice is just to relax..just imagin out of the blue some female is suddenly accusing you of trying to steal her boyfriend while you where just minding your own business living your life..thats what most hott girls do..we dont really care less about your boyfriend..or YOU..so just please ..give your BF a break ..and have more self confidence..because jealousy is an ugly thing.

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