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Learning a lesson

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I've just found out my boyfriend has been screwing me over and it's not the first time. He didn't sleep with her but he was seeing both of us behind each other's backs for 1-2 months. I have a history of breaking up with him then taking him back bc of past issues bw us and he says he continued it with both of us because he wasn't sure if I'd dump him again (ie keeping his options open). We've both done things to hurt one another but I ended my mistakes nearly two years ago...he's been hurting me for the past year now, like subconsciously keeps trying to get me back even though he wants us to work. I'm very hurt and have no idea yet if I will forgive him. He wants to work it out. We have so much history together (5yr relationship) so it's very hard for me.


I want him to realise the severity of his actions, not in a malicious way...but just to make sure that if we got back together he would never do it again. I don't want to do immature things like damaging property or anything, I wouldn't do that. I want him to realise what he's got and what a stupid move that was.


What can I do? Should I be a complete bitch to him? Be normal? Talk about it? etc. Before I make my decision I want him to know what a big mistake he has made. I'm often the girl people walk all over...I don't want that to happen to me anymore.

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You two need to sit down and discuss it, if you're considering getting back together. Be assertive. Don't hold back the things you want to say, just as long as you're not lashing out. If you find that it's difficult to express yourself or remember things in the height of the discussion, bring some point form notes to make sure you cover all your needs. Also make sure to listen clearly to his needs. Many men have difficulty expressing their feelings clearly and some don't honestly know what they're feeling. Be prepared to help him through it.

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