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Mixed signals about this girl i met.

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Bit of a long read but i could use everyones input



Well i met this girl named Gloria about a month ago and we exchanged numbers.she calls me at least once a day everyday since we first met.We have hung out a lot at her house and watched TV.She has been single for awhile now and told me I'm the first guy she's invited to her house since she moved in Chicago 2 years ago.we laugh and she says she likes hanging out with me.We have a lot in common and she says I'm a really nice guy.She even offered to bring me food last week cause i was battling a bad cold which i thought was so nice.She said what she likes about me is the first night i was over i wasn't all over her to have sex .well last Saturday we got some pizza and wine as we enjoyed the football game that was on.She then was a bit tired so we was leaning her head on my chest which i thought was cute.well it was time for bed so i figure i better find somewhere on the couch to sleep.She then says come sleep in my room which took me a bit by surprise cause a girl wouldn't let a guy friend sleep in the same bed or would she?well during the night i woke up to find her right in my face with her arm over my arm.Fast forward i told my friends what happen and they all said dude she was pretty much throwing herself to you to make the first move.She did keep saying while we were in bed don't be scared but i couldn't figure of what cause its not like i was acting nervous or anything so it had to be about making a move.Finally last night i stayed over and she had no wine cause i was thinking maybe the wine had her acting like that last week.so in bed i noticed again she was right in my face close to me.Finally i want to make a move but i wont lie I'm a bit scared she may say no i was just being a nice friend nothing more.

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It's awfully nice of you to be so respectful to her and to the friendship; however this is a very new friendship, therefore it's no surprise if it turns into more. It's obvious that she wants you to make a move. Ask her if you can kiss her next time you are close. I'll bet she says yes. She would not have you sleep in bed with her if she did not want more than friendship. Just don't attempt anything more than kissing for now. You've done a good job of going slowly so just keep that part up and she'll like you more and more. I promise.

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This is so cute it's unbelievable. If I find myself invited to a girl's bed and to spend the night with her, I wouldn't be here on LS asking for advice :D It's all pretty obvious. I seriously doubt she'll say no if you wanna kiss her. I can understand that you wanna go slow. But what are you afraid of? That she's gonna say that she doesn't wanna kiss you? Possible, but unlikely.

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i dont think its fear of being rejected. she obviously wants you. taking it slow is ok, so leave her with a kiss the next time you have an intimant momment. weather she wants more then a kiss, i think she will respect you more with leaving it as a kiss with more potential at a later date.


u gotta admit that when u take things slow its purly a great feeling of accomplishment.

anyways good job on showing boundry's. something like this will lead u to an awsome relationship regardless if its with her or someone else.

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