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We cheated while we were both married

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I have been knowing this guy for like 5 years. We use to work together before I got married. We talked on & off about anything the whole time we have been friends. We both made little jokes about being with each otehr but we never took it serioud, well at least I didn't. One thing we both had in comment was our relationship weren't all that great. My husband was the the husband from Hell & his wife simply had no respect for him.


One time while his wife was out of town I went over to house (after a fight with my husband) I knew he would make me feel better........Which he did we ended up in bed together. We only messed around 1 time while we were married. Now we are both going through a divorce........We have gone out a few times & we have a decent sex life now. Both the divorces will be final soon. My question is...Is this a relationship that will last? Or should I just rule it out right away considering we were both unfaithful in our previous relationships?

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Well you both now have a history of cheating so its not the best start to a relationship, but I suppose that time will tell and you can only take things day at a time.


Sometimes I think that there is a line that should NEVER be crossed when you are married but other times I think that maybe fate brings us together. Maybe you are made for eachother and will live happily ever after, maybe not. You should just take things a step at a time and see how your relationship evolves :rolleyes:

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I know it's easier said than done, but let this be a lesson learned! If you are unhappy in a relationship or marriage, don't just give up and look else where! If dating, break up! If Married, just use today's, 'get out of marriage free card' and file for divorce!


Anyway, best way to answer your question is to put myself in his shoes.


Basically, I wouldn't trust myself or you. If we had a fight where it ended badly and you ran off, I'd think to myself, "Hm, could she be off in bed with ANOTHER friend that would make her feel better?" :eek:


Ugh, bluntly, your trust should be crushed, however, if you see a bright future with this man; then go for it! Just keep this thought in mind: what happened between the two of you could easily happen again, if given the right situation.


Well you both now have a history of cheating so its not the best start to a relationship, but I suppose that time will tell and you can only take things day at a time.


Sometimes I think that there is a line that should NEVER be crossed when you are married but other times I think that maybe fate brings us together. Maybe you are made for eachother and will live happily ever after, maybe not. You should just take things a step at a time and see how your relationship evolves :rolleyes:


Trying to justify their cheating scandals? :p

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