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I have been in relationship with this woman for 3 years now and for the last one year it turned out that we have lots of differences in beliefs, values, cultures, ethics ..etc. On the top of this, we have a wonderful 2 years old boy.


Like in other relationships, we have fights here and there untill last week she told me to pack my bag leave her alone - of course- she apologised me and said she was too emotional to handle it. That was not the first and the second time she said those words to me .


She also wants us to have another baby which I also declined because i want us to mend/ improve our ruining relationship before proceeding having another baby. GBoys, girls you input is highly welcome.



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Don't have another child with her until you feel more comfortable in the relationship.


Dadaal, I'm extremely troubled by the fact that you called the mother of your child "this woman".

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