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This is stupid, but I am hoping for a few responses of you guys (and girls) and your opinions.


About 6 months ago I was on myspace when a guy sent me a message. Basically in the end he was telling me my boyfriend cheated on me in the first six months of our relationship with his (my bf) friends girlfriends sister. He lived with the friend and the girlfriend at the time. This random guy claimed it happend a few times when the sister went over and the reason he knew is because she told him.


Well, my boyfriend promised me that is not true and that he wouldnt cheat on me. He said that even when the sister did come over she was with some short guy that she was dating.


So, for some reason this has been on my mind a bit and i decided to maybe call my bf's friends ex. Not the sister, but the one he lived with. (so confusing). Well, i looked in his phone this morning and the number is now gone. Part of me understands why, because he never talks to her and the she broke up with his friend. But the paranoid side of me is nervous he did it to get rid of evidence. I dont know. I just hate the idea of his cheating and the idea of being "that girl". The girl who gets cheated on and doesnt know or do anything about it.


His friend even told me that that never happned and i guess the girl is slightly crazy and has made up rumors before. She is very much into using and selling drugs.




Sorry this is so confusing and stupid!!!!

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If nothing like this has ever happened before then I think you should give your boyfriend the benefit of the doubt. I know it's easier said than done, and you can't help but feel suspicious. There is no magic solution to make you feel better. You just need to fight the thoughts; don't dwell on them. If they pop up in your head, think of something else or do something to occupy your mind until you've forgotten about it. If a shady situation like this happens again then you should do more investigating.

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