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Getting busy with friend... and the morning after


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Gee, guys, I know it's the oldest story in the book, but I need some quick-and-dirty advice.


So I'm on holiday vacation back in my hometown right now, and I went out last night with an old friend for a fun night of drinking and karaoke. We *may* have had one pint of rum too many (utterly wasted, sloppy-type) and my friend progressively got more "friendly" with me as the night went on. We ended up at my folks' house and partook in some heavy petting before I kind of came to my senses and eased my way out of it before I did something I'd regret. Thank god, no intercourse or oral, just lots of kissing, fondling and nipple play (sorry to be crude). We fell asleep cuddling before he got up and went home without much fanfare. Thing is, this is a platonic friend of mine and I have always enjoyed his friendship and don't want it to be ruined. I don't know how to approach the subject with him now, I don't even know what to say. He is very attractive and sexy and so on, but I'm not interested in a sexual or romantic-type relationship with him, never have been, I liked things just the way they were before. What do I say now, what should I do? Can it be salvaged?

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I think, if you have a discussion about it that is frank and open, with a tad bit of amusement peppered in there, you can salvage the relationship and be friends. A lot of us have done that "I drank too much and got busy with someone I shouldn't have" sort of thing.


I once had a three week fling with a good male friend, we talked it out and ended it and phased right back into being friends. Then he got obsessive and posessive months later and started interfering with my relationships and I had to end the friendship. OK that was a bad story to tell.


Here's another one since I'm bored at work. I had a longterm friend from college and we used to randomly have sex whenever we were out of relationships, yet somehow magically continued our friendship for YEARS like this. I think it was because we were able to talk frankly about everything.

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