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Ok I have a question and I know its along the same lines as half the other people on here but if someone would be kind enough to talk to me about it that would great. Otherwise please no nasty comments. I am on here for advice. I only say that because after looking through here I see some of the things other people write back. I have been with my boyfriend now for 3 years. We have had a pretty good relationship.


There were a couple bumpy spots, and one time I even left. He had an online "friendship" with another girl which went a little too far. but I gave him another chance and hes done nothing like that since. The only problem is it kind of made me a bit insecure. I have noticed that he goes to internet sites where theres a lot of models and girls who are dressed in pretty much nothing. Its not porn, but I would actually rather see porn on there than that. These girls are perfect looking and theres no way I could compare to them. I mean I am not ugly, I know I am attractive, but I dont understand why he cant just be satisfied with me.


Why does he have to go looking at some other chick bent over pretty much showing everything?? It makes me feel like he will always be looking for something better. I mean I dont go looking because I am quite satisfied with him. So why cant it be the same way with him? If hes going to go looking at it I am sure he wants it. Is it true that with guys sex is just sex and they have no emotional connection between sex and love?


I mean I am sure it means more to him with me than it would with just some model but why even go looking at stuff like that when he has me who can show him the same thing!! It really makes me feel like I am just not good enough. Which I am sure has something to do with what he has done in the past. Please someone help me so I stop thinking crazy about this stuff. I just need a guy to explain to me why they do this stuff. Thanks

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Ok I have a question and I know its along the same lines as half the other people on here but if someone would be kind enough to talk to me about it that would great. Otherwise please no nasty comments. I am on here for advice. I only say that because after looking through here I see some of the things other people write back. I have been with my boyfriend now for 3 years. We have had a pretty good relationship.


There were a couple bumpy spots, and one time I even left. He had an online "friendship" with another girl which went a little too far. but I gave him another chance and hes done nothing like that since. The only problem is it kind of made me a bit insecure. I have noticed that he goes to internet sites where theres a lot of models and girls who are dressed in pretty much nothing. Its not porn, but I would actually rather see porn on there than that. These girls are perfect looking and theres no way I could compare to them. I mean I am not ugly, I know I am attractive, but I dont understand why he cant just be satisfied with me.


Why does he have to go looking at some other chick bent over pretty much showing everything?? It makes me feel like he will always be looking for something better. I mean I dont go looking because I am quite satisfied with him. So why cant it be the same way with him? If hes going to go looking at it I am sure he wants it. Is it true that with guys sex is just sex and they have no emotional connection between sex and love?


I mean I am sure it means more to him with me than it would with just some model but why even go looking at stuff like that when he has me who can show him the same thing!! It really makes me feel like I am just not good enough. Which I am sure has something to do with what he has done in the past. Please someone help me so I stop thinking crazy about this stuff. I just need a guy to explain to me why they do this stuff. Thanks




Both men and women are very visual when it comes to the opposite sex. Of course, some chick bent over pretty much showing everything will catch, and hold, my attention for a bit. And you would probably do the same if it were a male model posing.


Anyway, if your guy is doing this in front of you, it is very disrespectful (to you). Meaning- he does not care about your feelings.


Wait a minute...have you told him how you feel about this?


You say "he had an online friendship that went a little too far" ? Please explain. Did he have an EA/PA?


You say you have been with your guy for 3 years and you have a pretty good relationship. Everything is pretty good except for the online affair and the wandering eye? Are you sure this wandering eye of his is just confined to online babes?


You typed:

"Is it true that with guys sex is just sex and they have no emotional connection between sex and love?"


Isn't it the same for girls too?


I think if you both agreed that the relationship is to go nowhere then that would be the case.



Sorry, can't explain why he does this stuff. (not enough info)

Please don't assume all guys are like this.

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Ok I have a question and I know its along the same lines as half the other people on here but if someone would be kind enough to talk to me about it that would great. Otherwise please no nasty comments. I am on here for advice. I only say that because after looking through here I see some of the things other people write back. I have been with my boyfriend now for 3 years. We have had a pretty good relationship.


There were a couple bumpy spots, and one time I even left. He had an online "friendship" with another girl which went a little too far. but I gave him another chance and hes done nothing like that since. The only problem is it kind of made me a bit insecure. I have noticed that he goes to internet sites where theres a lot of models and girls who are dressed in pretty much nothing. Its not porn, but I would actually rather see porn on there than that. These girls are perfect looking and theres no way I could compare to them. I mean I am not ugly, I know I am attractive, but I dont understand why he cant just be satisfied with me.


Why does he have to go looking at some other chick bent over pretty much showing everything?? It makes me feel like he will always be looking for something better. I mean I dont go looking because I am quite satisfied with him. So why cant it be the same way with him? If hes going to go looking at it I am sure he wants it. Is it true that with guys sex is just sex and they have no emotional connection between sex and love?


I mean I am sure it means more to him with me than it would with just some model but why even go looking at stuff like that when he has me who can show him the same thing!! It really makes me feel like I am just not good enough. Which I am sure has something to do with what he has done in the past. Please someone help me so I stop thinking crazy about this stuff. I just need a guy to explain to me why they do this stuff. Thanks


There is a possibility that there is something lacking in your relationship (sexually perhaps) idk. Ask him about his fantasies and maybe the two of you could work at fulfilling them. Just as long as there are not beyond the boundaries of committment.


As for sex and love, a friend once said to me; men use love for sex, women use sex for love. So it is quite complex. Generally, it is possible for guys to have sex with someone and not be in love with them, but it can be dangerous due to the fact that two people are sharing something very sacred and should it become repetitive, a guy can end up emotionally attached...



Hope I helped is some way!

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Depending on the health of the relationship it can be no big deal. You are sexualy allive and appriciating looking. It is different if they are activly flirting but to look so what. Again it depends on how your relationship is if it is good it is just part of appriciating the seroundings if not it is just a sign that your partner is not happy.

I see my wife doing it and sometimes she catches me. I have recieved a smack on the ass as her way of letting me know she is there but she does it with a smile.

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Why don't you try this?


Next time he shows you something like that, say to him "wow, she is hot I'd do her in a heartbeat!". I bet this would throw him for a loop!


Maybe he is trying to get you to open up sexually! Are you inhibited by talking about sex, or even talking dirty?


From my experience, a vast majority of women in the U.S. have issues with sex due to how they have been cultured.



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