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A Blind Date, Ahh!


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I was just wondering if anyone had any advice/funny stories/horror stories about blind dates. I'm about to go on one in the coming weeks, and I was just curious to hear what everyone thought about them. :-) (For ex: what do you do when there's that nice awkward pause from talking.) ;-)





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i'm not a big blind-date expert, but those awkward pauses happen with a lot of conversations, as long as you haven't just been talking about something too serious, laugh! or say something at the beginning about how those weird pauses are the worst, then when one happens you'll both know what's going on and probably laugh about it. good luck, and have fun!

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice/funny stories/horror stories about blind dates. I'm about to go on one in the coming weeks, and I was just curious to hear what everyone thought about them. :-) (For ex: what do you do when there's that nice awkward pause from talking.) ;-) Peace, M.
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