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I'm Ready to Lose it

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I know it sounds kind of selfish, but I want to lose my virginity with this girl. The thing is, she's also my ex. She is also a virgin, and I always hear about how the first time (even if it was bad) is always memorable and you have that special connection forever.


(The break up was on good terms, and we're still friends, but the break up did happen a while ago)

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If you didn't have sex with her while you were in the relationship, why would you think it was a good idea to do it now? Were you waiting for a reason?


Part of me thinks sometimes that I should have had sex with my ex to prove how strong my feelings were for him. I know it bothered him that we never did (although he didn't pressure me AT ALL). But I also keep thinking about how for the rest of my life, if I was with someone else, I would always know that I used up that first special time before I met the one I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I waited too long to do that now.


I think that eventually you'll meet someone else you want to make love to...and when you do, hopefully it'll be within a committed and fulfilling relationship. How much more special is that than just doing it with an ex like you're trying to get it over with??

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