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does previous use of crack make regular life boring?

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I am engaged to a man who has a history of crack use. He's only used once since I've been officially with him but prior to that, he went through re-hab twice.


Does his previous use of crack make regular, every day life boring to him? I have no experience with people with drug addictions. I was thinking of attending some kind of "anonymous" meeting to gain more insight.


The reason I ask is that he's been cheating on me and I'm thinking (hoping) the reason he's bored is the "high" from our relationship is gone so he's looking for the new "high".


It won't make much difference to our relationship. He cheated and he'll be kicked to the curb, probably after the first of the year. The information I'm seeking will only help me to deal with it better.

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It's not the drug, it's the fact that he's just a boring person. People who are vitally interested in life are never bored with it. They always find something new and fascinating to be in awe of.


A boring person who is bored will certainly cheat...to look for something to keep his or her interest for a short time. It's very sad.


I'm sorry you're waiting until after the holidays to dump this guy. It makes no sense to me that you would want to have Christmas and New Year's memories of being with a boring idiot who loved to screw other women to get over his boredom. But, then again, I've never had that sort of memory so I shouldn't pass judgment. Sorry.



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well, merry christmas to you two old grumps! lol


no, not using drugs doesn't make your life boring - its the exact opposite - u get a life back! and i am actually a lucky one, in that the damage i did to my body is limited to a perf sep, which i am getting an operation done soon - and the only way they allow that op to happen is totaly abs from cocaine use. they will not do it is you are using - and u have to go 6 months without in order for tissue to heal. i am lucky in that i have had my heart checked and it is fine and i had cognitive testes done at the ROH and they told me i am as stupid as i always have been - so thats good. because i see some people in my program and u can tell they didn't quite make it. and i told my wife she is welcome to come to any class with me but she told me that i am a filthy junkie and get out of my life.


hey, sometimes people have to take a stand on what they feel is best for them - that is ok. i choose to become addicted and she choose to not live with an addict - that's life. as for cheating and boredom, chances are that does not include drugs - people usually do that when their basic relationship needs are not being filled and instead of communication they shut down completely.

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Well, first of all, drugs cloud one's judgement, not just during a high but afterward too. There are lingering after effects that could cause someone to make a bad choice that a sober person wouldn't make.


Secondly, to answer your question, many drugs classified as uppers, which would include crack, cause a rush of serotonin. That is what contributes to the high. Eventually the serotonin becomes depleted (which is why it takes stronger and stronger doses to get high). Serotonin is one of the chemicals involved in pleasure and happiness, so yes, once it is depleted and the user stops using, he could be left with depression and a sort of flat affect to life experiences that normal people would find exhilarating.


I did a fair amount of extacy in my late teens, early twenties. When I stopped it was like everything went from being in color to black and white for the next couple of years. Nothing excited me. After a while the color gradually seeped back into life.


So this could be what your boyfriend is feeling.

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Does his previous use of crack make regular, every day life boring to him? I have no experience with people with drug addictions.




You should dump him.

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When i stopped using coke and meth for about a month, I felt like life was the most boring thing ever. I felt like I was living inside an orange juice commercial. I would try things to have fun and such, but nothing was ever anywhere close to as exciting as things were on drugs. he had been doing crack, which speeds up your mind and body among other things, so now, and probably for quite some time he will probably feel like life is in slow motion. And I'll bet cheating on you didn't excite him like he probably hoped it would.

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