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Does she like me or just teasing?

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Ok so this is the situation.


Co-worker sitting across from me in the workplace (office).


First she was just a coworker, then became a "buddy'" then became a friend and then... ofc fell in love with her, but thats not the point here.


this is the thing. All the facts....


* She has a current boyfriend, she often makes reference to him and tells me detailed episodes from her relationship, she seems haooy in her realationship.


* she takes some interest in my own declining relationship (currently in a break up phase)


* often consults me professionally even though she could/should ask someone else


* Often e-mails me about personal reflections about events in the workplace, we often have a long "chat" over workplace e-mail.


* shares personal reflections about co-workers with me (traditional gossiping)


* Often gives me positive reinforcement/compliments (I do the same)


* She goes OUT OF HER WAY(and I mean that) to make sure we have lunch and breaks together and at the same time and i mean to the point where its actually making her look silly and hurting her professionally(same for me but to a lesser extent).


* She laughs at my jokes and often tells me im funny, or " a funny person"


* She often strokes/twirls her hair when she talks to me, i´ve notinced this is a "tic" of hers so it might not mean anything.


* She often looks at me ands smiles "without reason" (I do the same tbh) and when "confronted" she says things like "i was just checking if you where gonna look at me once you finished your call" or similar


* She shares much personal information with me , much about her feelings, her past, her childhood, past relations, stuff like that..


* She does not shun physical contact, she doesn ot noticably retract when I invade her "personal space" (tested this)


* she talks somewhat openly about "intimate" things like having her period, references to sexual episodes etc.


* sometimes makes a very clear point(overly clear) of how good her current realationsip is (trying to send a message?)


* sometimes does the "ignore me totally" game only to suddenly turn around and be very friendly(as normal).


* Makes arbitrary references to things that we could do togheter outside work, no direct suggestions thou.


* Shares funny episodes from her everyday life.


*Shares worries /concerns from her everyday life


* Has occationally messaged/called me on my phone outside work for no real reason, just makeshift reasons or things like *"how was your flight", stuff like that (I have done the same)


* often teases/makes fun of me


* clearly takes my side in workplace conflicts (I do the same)


So thing is.. does she like me? or just teasing? Just wants to be my friend? How can I tell? Any "tests" I can perform?


I know she is in a realationship and im in a declining realationship and i understand everyting about how approriate that might be or how stupid it may be to get involved with a coworker. However this is not about that, I´m just trying to analyze the situation here.


Help needed!





/ Donnie

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i can tell you spent some time making this list of things. but honestly, there is no way we can tell. her actions could be that of a girl who likes you, or of a friendly girl who wants to be your friend.


she has a boyfriend, and if you like her, thats the first thing to go over. do not help her cheat on her boyfriend because that will make you both scum.


if you are just dying to know if she likes you or not, ask her. if she says no, even if it means yes, if she says NO then don't push it. sounds like she likes to flirt and get attention from boys but doesn't want to make anything of it because she already has a main boy in her life. if she says yes, then congrats. but please for the sake of this poor boyfriend of hers, put yourself in his shoes and don't do anything with her until you know she has broken it off

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