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'forbidden love'

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What do you call about what I'm feeling right now?


We've been friends for almost a year (last year), so close friends. I mean we had some touching moments, like hugs, laying her head upon my shoulder, holding my hands, and calling me with her very sweet smile. And we had some intimate talks, like telling to me her crushes, her struggles once, and some experiences she had.


Then this year, she's been so busy that I can't even call her name. Her responsibilities in school and in her community became bigger and bigger. I can say that we're already apart to each other. And I'm just trying to forget all about her and my feelings about her. I didn't even have any guts to say my feeling towards to her.


But every time I'm about to forget her completely, she's letting out her presence by calling me at phone in no time, or talking to me in school. I hate what I'm feeling about her.


All I can say is that it is a 'forbidden love', if it's 'love'.


I think she should give me more reasons to forget her like letting me jealous. These past days, jealousy was all I felt every time I see her. Every time I saw her, she's having some laugh with certain guys. Then last day, the whole class was teasing/partnering her with our classmate. How many guys you wanted me to be jealous with? Ok, I now know! Please continue doing until you'll find a perfect guy for you. And I will just forget about you. For all I want for you is your happiness.


*Signs about her always showing up.


- from a dumped guy in Singapore

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How can you consider yourself dumped when you were never dating in the first place?


She's your friend and she calls you because she's being friendly. If you've never told her your feelings, you can't blame her for not knowing that her calls upset you.

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Yeah you're right! now, I'm so stupid! I hate what I feel towards her. I better not let her know. Just like what I said it is a 'forbidden love', literally, forbidden - can't be accepted by her parents, can't be accepted by our friends, can't be accepted by society surely, as in nobody will agree on it.

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sounds as if you want to wallow in your self pride. why hold back so? if you felt you were sharing intimant momments maybe you should have shared your feeling with her. sometimes when you sit back and watch life pass you by you end up kicking yourself in the butt. these day's in age, woman move on quick when you show zero signs of feelings. next time you hang out start subtle, flirt a lil, show some sort of sign that your interested. if she show's them back you know your game. its all about being receptive. forget all that hog wash about forbidden love. the only one thats forbidding anything is yourself. she is a free woman and noone has a sales reciept that states she is theres. try your purchase, and see if shes' in your price range.


and a merry xmas to ya.

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Yeah! Why not trying? But I can't. People around us will have very mean eyes unto me when I'll start to move. People will surely abandon me and start moving away from me when I'll start flirting to their precious friend. She is somewhat a very important person into her surroundings - in our surroundings. People respect her so much and I don't want to ruin that respect just because of me. And I guess people need her more than I do.


There was one case that we became so close, I guess for a week. We've been together always during that week. But people started looking at me with killer eyes. Even my friends were going away from me. And I think I can't blame them for doing that for they're right. Now, one year later, all went back to normal. My friends are there again and more friends are going close to me.


I therefore conclude that when I stay away from her, my life, her life, and everybody's life are at peace. :laugh:

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I therefore conclude that when I stay away from her, my life, her life, and everybody's life are at peace. :laugh:

thats probably an accurate observation

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i take it your young yet? seems at high school ages people are more worried about there images then what they truely believe in. i'm 31 years old and still have friends that are like that. although i've learned to keep them as friends and not best friends. they arent people i turn to in a time of need or advice. its the ones that stick by yourside thru thick and thin, no matter how bad u may look.



your TRUE friends will understand. anyone that doesnt isnt a true friend.

its moments like this when you realize who your true friends are, and the ones that have just been posing to gain popularity.


anyways the choice is clearly yours. try this. invite her over when her friends and your friends arent around. see where it goes, who know's. things could be more then u expect. further more your friends might someday get there heads out of there ass's and become comfortable with your decissions. it also seems there might be some jealousy involved as if some of your friends may want what u want. that will fade in time.

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There was one case that we became so close, I guess for a week. We've been together always during that week. But people started looking at me with killer eyes. Even my friends were going away from me. And I think I can't blame them for doing that for they're right.


maybe you missread your friends. u said durring this one week u had of being close with your friend your friends seemed to turn away. i find it hard to believe that you can be in two places at once. if you spent every breathing second with her then i'm sure your friends are going to find something else to do. dont expect them to beg you for your time. remember, its ok to be in a relationship and have feelings for someone, but also remember that your friends are forever. that being said, always put aside equal time for your friends. catch my drift?


secondly, have you talked to your friends about your feelings towards this girl? this is what friends are for. to hear what you have to say. try talking to one of your closer friends about the situation, get some imput on what they think and how they see it. just remember, your the one that bears the key to your own choices, not them.


and finally, you seem to have a rather low self esteam to yourself. your self worth seems to be put lastly to your friends and loved ones. try putting your self worth before your friends and maybe u'l start gaining a lil more respect by your surounders.

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