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I'm totally attracted to a man I work with. I believe he's sending me signs that he's attracted to me too, but he's hot and cold. Is it that he's not sure how to proceed? He stares into my eyes. I feel him watching me when when he thinks I don't notice. He makes comments to me such as "Just seeing your face makes me happy" and kind of says something like "You don't feel the same about me". I don't know what to do at this point.

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I'm totally attracted to a man I work with.

I firmly beleive that people should not have a relationship with someone they work with. Thats just my opinion, many may agree with me, many may not. I just think if something like a break up happens then you both have to see each other at work...it could be a sticky situation.

Get to know the guy a bit more, maybe you could try a friendship with this guy? Maybe a few years down the line in the friendship you will hook up as something more than friends once you both have got to know each other then you will know where you stand also.

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