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Is this hoochie after my husband?

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My 47-y.o. husband owns his own biz, and I've met several times with some of his new staff members. One of them is a 30-ish married chick, who looks and acts anything but married. At our first meeting, a corporate function in the evening, she turned up in a top that could only be described as underwear; tons of makeup, and a very flirtatious manner. It was really unprofessional and I was shocked that his company would hire someone like that. He later told me that her boss straightened out her wardrobe issue and told her to dress more professionally.


Months later, she and my husband have become friends. They travel together for business; he's gone on overnight trips or to all-day functions in other cities with this woman, and I've found out she was there later. He'll mention all the other "safe" employees who have attended these functions but leaves her name out of it. I've confronted him on this several times, but he tells me nothings' going on. I told him that if he wants me to be comfortable knowing that he works closely with this woman, he has to be really open about it, and he agreed to be very upfront.


I thought this was behind us up until a week ago when he left me home and instead went to a party for work where -- surprise! -- this woman was attending. He claimed not to know she was attending until the last minute. This, however, might explain why he didn't want me to come -- I usually attend most of these evening things with him and think they're fun. I feel suspicious as hell and really betrayed.


How do I figure out what's really going on?

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Tell him point blank that you think he's cheating on you or atleast enjoying this woman's company waaaay too much for a married man. Tell him how it makes you feel and why. Make him understand and if he doesn't or can't get it, spell it out for him!! He can't go lusting after slutty women while he's married to you! It's that simple!


Can I ask? Do you two have children?

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Tell him point blank that you think he's cheating on you or atleast enjoying this woman's company waaaay too much for a married man. Tell him how it makes you feel and why. Make him understand and if he doesn't or can't get it, spell it out for him!! He can't go lusting after slutty women while he's married to you! It's that simple!


Can I ask? Do you two have children?


We're married only 18 months. It's the second time for both of us and each brings one child to the mix. I've actually confronted him more than once about this particular woman and he's completely, flatly denied having anything extra-curricular going on. I'm not convinced -- this business of finding out on the back end that this woman and he have been out somewhere together is just going on too long.

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I don't understand did she come on to your husband at the company function or was she just looking sluty and wearing too much make-up? When she and your husband travel together for business are they alone or with other people? Have you ever caught them together outside of business related activities? What makes you think they are having an affair?

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