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what is so different

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What makes the women more emotionally attached? When women (well most women) we love with our whole hearts and we only expect the same in return. When a man cheats it always the women who cries and feels like we did the wrong to cause the cheat to happen. Yes, we may have caused it but no we should no have to feel like we need to say sorry. Or No we probably didn't to anything wrong so why does it feel like the man is not as upset about it?

My bf is upset but he hasn't shown me that he is upset. I asked him how he was feeling today and he said ashamed and he doesn't deserve me. I Just needed to vent but if anyone can give me "getting though it advice" I will greatly accept.

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Best to stand back and look at things as they really are. Don't be so willing to take all the fault onto your shoulders. It takes three to tango...

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I am agree to Traibyfire!it is not fair to take all faults into your shoulders because every time women are not wrong,men also do wrongs works with their partner.

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Because women tend to express their hurt differently. Just speaking for myself, I let stuff like that drag me down and it affects everything I do. My bf tends to channel his hurt/depression into something constructive. Or he shuts himself off from it until a specific instance where he wants to deal with it.


Women tend to want some sort of resolution immediately, and if taking on some or all of the blame will instigate this, then so be it. Even when my bf cheated, and it wasn't my fault in any way, shape or form, I still managed to focus the subsequent discussions on one or two tiny, insignificant things i'd done and led myself and him to believe that's what caused him to cheat. I'm no doormat, but I just couldn't deal with the period of fighting and uncertainty any longer.

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A guy friend of mine once tried to explain that men have a really hard time apologizing to the women in their lives, especially if they've done something to really hurt them. It's easy for them to apologize to others because those people don't mean as much, so the hurt doesn't mean much. But with their women, they feel like they've failed and it's hard for them to express that failure. They want to "fix" the problem, but aren't capable with words to do so.




I don't know how much of that I believe, but I have seen that men prefer to withdraw when they f*ck up, rather than working through it in discussion. It's hard to tell what they feel when they can't talk about it, so I guess women are just supposed to "get it" that they're sorry.


Personally, if a guy can't talk about it, then he'd better be doing something to show how much he regrets his actions and wants to make up for it. If he can't do either, then he's basically asking me to sweep it under the rug and forgive and just trust he won't do it again....that's very hard for me to do.

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