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A sorry story.

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Im going to explain what situation I put myself in and maybe it'll give you all some entertainment out there. LOL


I am in a relationship with my boyfriend, Brian for 4 years now. We have a son together. I care for him but I guess not enough to behave myself. Recently an old love interest has come back into the picture. My very close friends see him a lot at a bar and he had been asking about me and telling them to tell me to come up sometime and hang with them. He knows from my friends that I am currently involved with Brian.


So I decided to go out one evening with Brian to meet my friends at this bar and sing a little kareoke. The guy that had been asking about me (Donny) was there and he was well behaved and talking to me as a friend. We both knew there were intimate sparks between us. That night it just so happened that he had to fill in as a bartender because they were short staffed so we didn't get to chat as much as I had hoped.


About a month later my friends asked me to join them again at this bar and I guess Donny was hoping that I would show up this time without Brian. But I wanted Brian to go. Donny was there again and he was disappointed that Brian came with me. Oh well I thought because he already knew that Brian and I are involved.


So the next day I heard from my friend that Donny was a bit disappointed and a little mad at me for bringing Brian along with me. So I called him to ask him if he was. He said no he really wasn't mad just disappointed. He asked me if I was ever going to come up there by myself and I said I thought I was going to in 2 weeks. So I got his cell phone # and decided to keep in contact with him until that night. Right here is were the official cheating on Brian began.


I began texting Donny and he texted back a few times. Then all at once nothing. Days went by nothing. Im thinking what happened? I started to get annoyed. I thought, here I am taking this huge risk of cheating on my boyfriend just to satisfy this "thing" we have between us and he cuts me out?


The two weeks passed and by that time I was pretty annoyed but like an idiot I went anyway by myself. Low and behold guess who shows up? Donny of course. He sat clear across the room from us gals and finally we told him to get the heck over here and what in the heck is wrong. So he comes over and sits by us and I say well its about time and where have you been? He came up with some lame ass excuse that he wasn't getting my text messages. Yeah right.


The night went on and we all drank and talked. Donny and I talked and got very close. Heavy flirting and kissing. Well it started getting late and my friends were talking about leaving for the night. Well my initial plans were to spend the night at my friend Bettys house because it was a long drive home for me and i had been drinking. But of course Donny and my other friends say stay with Donny. No lie, I wanted that too.


After my friends left we left the dance also and ventured into the bar. There Donny was introducing me to his friends and saying nice things about me. Soon it was VERY late. 3:30am late. I was getting very tired and asked Donny if he was ready to go. We made it to his appartment and we sat on the couch and chatted as friends for awhile. Then we started to make out, made it to the bedroom and proceeded to do everything but actual intercourse. He stops in the middle and says I guess you figured out by now that I have this rule that on the first time I don't go the whole way. I said "thats fine by me....oh I see theres going to be a next time eh?" All the while Im thinking to myself it really doesn't matter because what we are doing now is so incredibly hot i can do without that for now.


So things calm down again and we go back out to watch tv get a drink and smoke a cigarette. He climbs over to me and says...I thinking about breaking my rule. I said well don't break it just for me. He tried getting me back into the mood but I was exhausted from drinking,dancing and what we just did. He tucks me into his bed, lays beside me, puts his arm around me, holds my hand and we fall asleep for a few hours. I wake up and decide I need to go home. I left Donny a note to say I was leaving and I'd talk to him later.


That evening Donny went back down to the local bar we had came from and talked to my friend. He asked her if she thought I would ever leave Brian for him because he could be really happy with me. He also told her that we did everything but actual intercourse because he wants me to come back for more. Late that night I text messaged him and he replied nicely. The next day was Monday I texted him and no word from Donny. All day nothing. So I got a little upset and decided to drive to see him Monday night. He was not there. Text him more on Tuesday. Nothing. So basically I gave up trying to contact him. Mainly because it makes me seem desperate and needy. I did however a week later leave him a voice mail message wishing him a Merry Christmas and hope to talk to him soon.


I think he's playing me and is just having me wait in the wings for the next round. Its funny because my friends know all about this and there kinda waiting to meet up with him to give him hell for the way he's acting. LOL


Pathetic right? Give me some comments or advice just for the fun of it.

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if your that close to not giving a crap about your currant boyfriend then maybe you should leave him and go have some fun. sorry, but i think theres not enough space on this forum for people like you.

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It sounds like Donny is pretty smooth, and I'm not sure how real your feelings for him are. It doesn't sound like either relationship is ment to last much longer.


Have fun if you want, but dont be devistated when it ends.

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why dont you read some of the storys on here from people who have been cheated on and then see how funny you think it is .what gos around comes around hopefully it happens to you.your behaviour stinks

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