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what do i do


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Alright alright..This is gunna sound alittle screwed up..I know but bear with me here..i just need to get this out..And i need some help on what to do...Kay..So Heres the story...


Cora: my Girlfriend

devon: our "friend"

So cora and devon were hanging out yesterday watching movies at his house...wich is cool with me..Aslong as she keeps her pants on and hands off kinda thing you know? i mean she is my girlfriend n all (i was at work)


So i called her on my break..Everything seemed fine...


Called her laiter on my other break..Everything was fine..


She came and got me from work...And we just sat there..


She said she had something to tell me...( i know your probably thinking "I cheated on you" or something)


And she was to scared to tell me..So we sat there some more..listening to music..


When all of a sudden she Shuts the car off..And starts crying and Saying "Devon ****ing raped me" and all this..

and i just sat tthere iw as like Oh my ****ing god..


He pinned her down(thanks to his 9 years of wrestling)

Groped her breasts...

And ended up with his hand down her pants...


she cried so hard...And it just broke my heart...

then i got outa the car and walked around for a bit..I just didnt know what to do! i was so angry IM still angry..This was about 7 hours ago... its 7 30 am here...I havent slept yet i cant sleep i just ..

I dont know what to do!

I hugged her and kissed her and told her everything was alright..and all that....got her to stop crying...and eventually laugh n what not


But what do i do about devon?? do i confront him? and risk him hurting cora??

or do i just...sit..

Or call the police??

so he can say"Oh she wanted it"

**** if i know...Anyway



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OF COURSE call the police!! Maybe it doesn't seem so now, but rape is one of the worst things you can do to a person! Or go with her to a hospital so they can use a 'rape kit' to gather evidence. It's still fresh and even if she showered they probably is evidence there, enough to convict him.


No matter how fine she seems now, it will hit her hard a bit later...plus, think how many other girls devon will rape unless he's put away


Try this for starters : http://www.rainn.org

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My Fair Katie

Distorted I am so sorry to hear that happened to your GF.


Do not go beat Devon up though, it will make YOU feel better but your GF feel so much worse.


Be supportive, make sure you are supporting HER and not getting angry at him (you have just cause to be angry at him, but right now she needs your support not your anger). Encourage her to go to the hospital. Also look to see if there is a rape crisis center in your city. Have the number available to her. Heck, call them first and ask them questions about anonymity and what you as a boyfriend can do. Then, armed with that information you can tell her what to expect with the call. Yes, it's treating her with little kid gloves, but she is probably very vulnerable right now and having your support will go a long way.


However, do not try to *fix* her problem. That will just make her feel guilty when she knows you can't fix it despite your trying.

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Thank you for your help i appreciate it! and that website had Lotss of infortmation Thank you ! i shall see what i can do...if she wants to go to the hospital...I want to call the police...she said he had it all planned out..and that he could just say "Oh she wanted it " and he threatend to hurt her if she told anyone...Thats why i went here for help...Cause no one knows me..her..or devon

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Well, doesn't matter what he says, there's a strong possibility there is phisical evidence that it WAS forced...so please try to get her to go to a hospital and have it investigated!

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well i say her last night...again and she showed me where he grabbed her wrists..and theres bruises...And he Grabbed her breasts so hard..theres bruises...I talked to him today...And he said it straight up that he kissed her and grabbed her breasts...But didnt say anything about the hands down her pants..

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so we talked about it..For a good hour..And i pushed for her to call the police...but she wouldnt do it...

she told her parents...They said they were going to the police..but didnt..

And we decided to just..put it behind us...i told her im always here if she needs to talk..about Anything anytime..And i hope she will call if anythings wrong anyway...

thats what happend

im not to happy but that was the turnout...

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Crap, another rape victim that lets the rapist go away because of feelings of guilt and such...


Well...let me just tell you know, it won't just go away and you can't put it behind you easily...it will haunt her for sure, she needs specialized counselling asap.


What are you going to do about your 'friend' ? Just let him get away completely with it? Are you still going to see/talk to him? Can't believe he had the nerve to say he did those things like it was nothing

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