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I guess for me its hard to do!


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Wow I haven't posted in forever.


But I'm in a new town for a while and my job takes me pretty much everywhere. And I don't have much time beyond that, cause its pretty exhausting. But I have seen so many girls, so many times. That I have found myself attracted to, and I don't make any moves. Maybe I guess cause I'm like atleast 20-40 miles away from where I live! And sometimes I get some good signals, sometimes its whatever.


I just keep thinking it would be weird if I tried to start something just by looking and small chat with somebody.


Am I right on that, or should I just say screw it and go for it? I just don't know how it would seem, but I mean sometimes I see a few people who really give me those good signals. Good conversation, smiling, happy to see me, wanting to know whats going on.


Oh yea and another thing basically I'm on a time crunch, so its like 5-8 mins usually at any location. Hence the reason I think its weird, although I frequent these places often, its not for a long period of time, and can't be.


So what do you all think?

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Try going to a bar where you have more then 5 minutes to make conversation maybe?


But if all you have is 5 minuts I assume your doing something there that is more important then chatting up the ladies, pass them a card on your way out with your number and "Your really pretty" written on the back.


IDK.... might work.

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I guess I just think I would come off insane really walking up to a stranger and just trying to get a number when I'm in such a hurry. Plus if we got into a conversation I couldn't really spend much time chatting.


I do wear a name tag and such, and have had many people give me the double take.


Oh how nice it would be to have a bar everywhere I went!

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