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a sudden silence in a friendship

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there is a girl i've known for a little over a year now. i don't really talk to her much anymore, but i dont have a reasonable explantion as to why she stopped talking to me. i myself wont ask her about it because im too afraid i might say something stupid, or make the situation worse.


heres the story:

we both have a myspace. shes the only person to send me over a hundred messages. yes we did talk a lot:o. anyway, one day, i got her picture and set it as my default pic, and i changed my display name as well. this made it seem as if we were the same account. she did playfully scold me, and i thought it was cute so i changed everything back to my origional site. well, still finding it amusing, i changed it to make it look like her site again. now this is when she stopped answering my messages. i also noticed she wasnt on my friends list anymore. i searched for her site and it said i must be her friend in order to view her site. This i really regret doing. i really dont want her mad at me.


weeks have passed, and still we havent spoken a word to eachother. there even was one day when i was passing her in the hall and she didnt even say hi to me. this confirmed she really was mad at me.


a month has passed and still no communication. but, since christmas was getting close, i decided to make up a little christmas event. it was one of those events where you do something to get a prize. i made this just as an excuse of getting her to answer. well, after a few tries of friend requests, she finally accepted. this got my heart pumping real fast. i was so happy she forgave me.


during class, she approached me asking if i was the one who sent her the friend request (i dont have a picture so its hard to tell). i replied and then she tried continuing the conversation but then i my friend interrupted asking for some help. :( i felt so bad for leaving her, and you see, im very shy and that kind of saved me because i didnt know what to say if that conversation continued.


after i finished helping my friend, she came up to me again and said someone hacked her myspace account and it wasnt her who deleted me. but whats weird is, she was still on a bunch of my other friend's lists. and i have an account she totally forgot about still in her friends list. i was able to see how she was doing using that account. i really didnt like the fact that she lied to me, but i guess it's because she didnt want to hurt my feelings. Even so, she should know me enough by now that she should of just told me i was being annoying. she said she will make a new account and will add me A.S.A.P.




hmm its been 2 weeks and stil no request...


please. could someone help me fix this? i really dont want her to be mad at me, and i also want to be able to talk to her like i used to.


and maybe could you please,

help me without making it seem like i have feelings for her. because, i dont want her to feel any less comfortable around me. i have a feeling she doesnt like me that way and im ok with that... i dont really care if she was with another guy, but as long as she's still happy, then i'll be happy too.

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please. i really need your help. i know its a long story, but if you need it put short, i dont think it can be helped... you need to know the story in order for you to help me.


please. i just want for her to feel comfortable around me. i dont want he to feel bad when she is around me. even if she just wants to be friends. it doesnt matter. i just want to fix this problem.

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um,,what kind of friend is that?


u know we're just the same, i only want the happiness of my crush that's why i don't care now whether she has other guy. but the only thing i wanted to keep is that she won't ever be mad at me. actually, all the people who surrounds me. I don't want to see people getting mad at me. I'm happy when I see them happy.


i think she has her own problem. don't feel that she's mad at you. how could she be mad at you if she approached you and talked to you at your class.


i think just ask her. gather all of your confidence and ask her what's the problem - i know it's hard but it's the only thing left. i guess, she learned that you like her and she became somewhat uncomfortable. and pls don't imitate anyone. she might don't like copying or imitationg what she's doing. it's annoying - imitating anyone.


that's for now! hope that u can now solve your problems. it's just all depend in by yourself. gud luck! :D

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Only a few weeks gone by, there is a New Years thing going around?


I would say lay off of her and wait till after new years before reconnecting.


I have friends I did not talk to for weeks and they are still friends.

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It's just a myspace page.


Maybe I'm too old to understand.


In this new era, being taken off of someone's friends list is like being told "you're not my friend anymore." It may sound strange, but people do invest a lot of feelings into these things, so to an outsider it may just 'a myspace page' but for them, it tells them something about the other person.


It's like deleting someone's phone number from your cellphone, you wouldn't delete a number you would be thinking about using, right?

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