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Exes/Friends with Benefits?


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My ex-boyfriend and I broke up over a year ago after dating for about a year. We met in college and had mutual friends, which kept us moving in the same circles, so that even after we broke up we still hung out a lot and ended up hooking up every time. After college we both moved back to our respective homes - about an hour away from each other, but still managed to meet up on weekends and hang out... and hook up.


I moved to NYC this past summer and he came to visit me for 5 days, where we ended up acting more like a couple than just friends with benefits. People have always told me that if you continue to hook up with an ex at least one person still feels something. I still do, but is it possible that he still has feelings for me too...or is this just a horny guy thing and he's comfortable with me so he hooks up whenever he can?

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I just don't think someone who travels an hour and stays for 5 days is just horny...at least I'd hope not...I say ask him directly. I know, easier said than done. I haven't followed my own advice yet, I'll tell ya that! I just mean, maybe ask him about the 5 day visit and maybe ask, did you have fun, how did it make you feel, something along those lines...if a guy did that for me, I would assume he wanted more than benefits...but that's just me..good luck

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Sounds like he's getting as much free and easy sex as he wants from you, plus a free place to stay (and sex!) when he visits New York.


Sorry if that sounds harsh, but if he wanted something more like getting back together as bf/gf, he'd have mentioned it by now. Since you've moved, what kind of relationship can you have long distance? Is he planning to move too?

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