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my bestfriend steels all my boyfriends

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Okay so I need some advice.Everytime I'm talking to a guy I always introduce them to my bestfriend.Everyguy I talk to comes back and tells me wow your friend is really flirtacious and talks about sex all the time.I don't know what she's doing but everyguy ends up wanting to talk to her even though they know she's playing mind games.


I'm talking to someone now who knows what shes up to and is playing mind games with her. I'm more mature then her so I don't like games and im trying to avoid it, but it keeps coming back up. I've confronted her about it and she says im crazy and i shouldnt even asume she would do such a thing because shes my friend. someone please tell me what I should do I'm so tired of this.

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Stop introducing your bestfriend to the guys you are interested in!! And let her know how it makes you feel when she does what she is doing...Even though in her mind she feels she's not doing anything wrong - She can still backoff at certain times.

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Uh, stop introducing new guys to your friend. Until he's your BOYFRIEND (which "new guys you're talking to" are NOT) he will have no qualms about movin' on over to a gal who's in his face with sex talk.

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Okay so I need some advice.Everytime I'm talking to a guy I always introduce them to my bestfriend.Everyguy I talk to comes back and tells me wow your friend is really flirtacious and talks about sex all the time.I don't know what she's doing but everyguy ends up wanting to talk to her even though they know she's playing mind games.


I'm talking to someone now who knows what shes up to and is playing mind games with her. I'm more mature then her so I don't like games and im trying to avoid it, but it keeps coming back up. I've confronted her about it and she says im crazy and i shouldnt even asume she would do such a thing because shes my friend. someone please tell me what I should do I'm so tired of this.


she does it to my boyfriends to then she gets my boyfriends to tell her secrets n have little secretive personal talks and holds it over my head

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Why do you keep her as a friend? Think about this a moment. A friend is supposed to want what will make you happy. Do things to help improve your life. Help support you during rough times, and laugh with you during the good. Not ruin your chances at finding heppiness with a guy. Destroy your relationships, turn potential men away from you. She's an attention whore. She making you unhappy, and making your life more difficult. So, why do you want to keep the friendship so badly?


If you don't want to lose her as a friend, then my suggestion is keep her seperated from your dating life completely. Meet her for coffee or something, but don't introduce your bf's, don't invite her over, don't bring your bf with you to meet up with her...


I had a friend who used to do this to me. Every single time I'd be interested in a guy she was in his face doing her best to draw his attention to her. She didn't even like half the guys she tried so hard to get. If I lost interest, so did she. Probably the worst: I'd had one date with the guy and invited him over to a party I was having. I forget why now, but I'd stepped outside for a bit, walked back in and she was lip locked with my "date" on my couch. I was furious.


Anyway, point of the story is: she was fun to hang out with when men weren't present, but she was undermining my self-confidence, making me bitter and resentful toward her and men, and sabatoging my hopes of happiness. I'd rather not have friends, then have friends like that.

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I have/had a friend who does this to me as well. She just alludes sex appeal and I'm the "girl next door" type. Although it frustrates the crap out of me, it also shows me which guys are really interested in me and those that are just out for a "fun time". And the guys that I do end up with, were never attracted to her to begin with... just kinda weeds themselves out...

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I am going to be blunt and say that you need to drop this so called "friend". This shows that she has no love or respect for you.


I had a friend many years ago who used to do that same **## and it pissed me off no end. When I confronted her about it she would blatantly deny this, and her own sister was getting pissed of also as she was sleeping with guys that her sister also liked. One night it all came to a head, and she finally admitted that she finds it easier to flirt/sleep with guys that her friends/family may like because she has low self-esteem problems.


I have to say it was a relief that she admitted this, but at the same time I decided that I could not be friends with her anymore. There are plenty of other people that I have made friends with, and I can safely say that not one of them condones stealing another friends boyfriend.


Friendships will always change over time, and maybe in your case its run its course.

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she does it to my boyfriends to then she gets my boyfriends to tell her secrets n have little secretive personal talks and holds it over my head


Huh? Your bestfriend moves in on guys that you like, then when they become your "boyfriend" she MAKES them tell her secrets about you (what kind of secrets are they talking about? Sex? Intimate things?)then holds it against you?


Uhm, why are you even friends with this girl? Bestfriends aren't supposed to play games, let alone interfer and get close to the boyfriend of her bestfriend. And the boyfriend is an idiot too, for confiding her in the first place.


How old are you? Just curious.

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