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Whats going on with me ?


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hi me and my boyfriend have been together for ten months now and I have a promblem I always catch my self flirting or checking out other guys. Me and my boyfriend even live together. But I am not sure why I keep doing this and I have never cheated him. But there was this one insodent that really made me feel differntly towards him . Well his best friends exgirlfriend was calling all the time at first I didnt think anything of it. But one night he actuaaly snuck off to go over and fix her mothers car . That was what she always called for . But I asked him and he didnt lie he told me he went over there but he said he fixed it on the freeway but she told me diffrent she said it was at her house. But one night me and my boyfriend got in a really big fight and I went to one of my friends house. And I decided to call her to find out what was going on and I straight out told her to quit calling my man supposely he was over there that night and she said well you have nothing to worry about he is only my friend . But then she said well he told me he is not with you anymore and he never touches you. Now I dont know who is lieing? ok well anyways I dropped it . But I dont have any proof they was together I know he did go over there to fix her mothers car becasue I talked to her mother. But thst doesnt mean he wasnt with her. But why would he tell her that stuff because he was mad or trying to show off or he tried to be with her. well please HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you hurt someone, they will hurt you back. That is very simple human behaviour. That is what had happened between you and his ex. Don't think of this matter too much. The more you think, the more you become worried. If he is cheating on you, he would have not told the truth. Unless or until he tells you anything about loving or touching, don't raise the matter.


(Please don't ask him, "why you don't touch me nowadays?". Because guys don't have good respect for the girls who ask guys to touch or love. Making fuss works great with guys.)


Flirting or checking out is not a big deal. Everybody does that. We always have attraction for the opposite sex regardless of marriage or relationship. We need not close our eyes when we go out. Make sure, you don't cheat on.


Take care,



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