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I told Him the truth

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I found out that my live in bf of a few years had an affair with a married women. After all the devestation of the situation I decided not to interfer with the situation anymore. We decided to work out our problems and I was okay with trying to make it work. A mutual friend informed me that the o/w did not confessed to her husband and she was happy that I didn't say anything, This enraged me and out of compulsion I found out who her husband was an located him through his work and informed him of the whole mess. My bf said he didn't care that I told, whatever made me happy and if her marriage was broken not to worry about it because it was his and her fault and the husband should know about it anyways.


I do feel a little guilty because he was blissfully happy to think that his wife was faithful.


so my question is was I really wrong to tell him?

did I make it worst?

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No, you certainly did NOT make things worse. Who knows how many other guys she was banging? He had a right to know that his wife is a cheat, and that his health and life could be at risk due to her selfish actions. There is somebody that wrecked his marriage, Guest, and that's his wife. You were just the messenger bearing the bad news.


One of the standard pieces of advice if you're trying to recover your relationship from your partner's infidelity is to expose the affair to the OP's spouse. A benefit of that is that it places the OP under a microscope, and makes it harder for them to continue pursuing your SO.


You did absolutely the right thing, and should not feel guilty. I, for one, applaud you. Now, let that load off your shoulders, and concentrate on your relationship.

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