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What Do I Do?

Passionate Lover

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Passionate Lover

Well here is the story....



I met a girl Called Kaylee on msn but we had met before but things hit off over msn and i started really liking her and she said she really liked me but at the time she was trying to get over a Lad that sh ereally liked her treat her really badly so she finaly got over him so she says, So we finaly met it was very aukward but we went for a walk on our own away from every1 we talked went to her house in her bedroom we kissed i went home then everyday after that i went down her house and thing went further and further more kissing more touchy feely but not sex, i aint the type of lad that pressures girls into things i try to understand why, i try to be a good bf i talk and be honest with my past girl freinds but they were all a little small i didnt really have aload of feelings for them, but when it came to Kaylee i really did day after day my love for her grew stronger and so did hers for me she said she loved me all the time on msn, when i said i loved her she would say it back face to face, she would always kiss me and i would always kiss her, i never really had much confidence with girls but i have alot of it with kaylee i aint shy towards her, her family and freinds like me alot but the past few days she said that the realationship Doesnt feel right she says she has feelings for me and loves being with me, she dumped me because i never gave her space we were always togeather everyday, so i said to her u didnt tell me if u had of done i would of giv u space, so we decided to give it another go which is where we are at now8 days from meeting, but she still says that it just doesnt feel right and she doesnt know why, i cannit stop thinking about her and i walways wanna be there for her, i try and talk to her and i always tell her she is gorgeous and that im here for her i always SAY I LOVE her so much and that she means so much to me, i think its because im comming on to strong but im not sure its not like im pressuring her into anything i really aint im just telling her i love her and that im always here for her, She really does mean so much to me and i want it to work so badly, i know im inlove with her i just know it she makes my stomach fill with butterfly's when she says summit and all the other stuff. She says i aint doing anything wrong but not giving her space, i am now though.



I don't wanna let her go, i just don't know what to do.


And btw im 16 and im very sensitive and loving :S i just dont know what to do.


If you would like to help me out my msn is [email protected]


Please help me.


Thank you.


My real name is Rees.

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Question before i give you advice - r u still together or have you split up now?


Also, does she still say she loves you? not cares alot etc, but loves you?

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Passionate Lover
Question before i give you advice - r u still together or have you split up now?


Also, does she still say she loves you? not cares alot etc, but loves you?



Well she says we are still togerather but im secret i dunno how it works but she just doesnt want many ppl knowing and does she love me?


Thats a question i need to ask her my self, she's told be before that she has loved me but now? I really don't know.


We still kiss and stuff but i aint seen much of her the past 3 days.

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You're only 16 and you're going to have these kind of confused emotions a lot over the next 20 years. I'm 34 and I still don't know any more about females than you do (except that their hair smells like almonds:p ) Hope this works out for you but, if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world. It just feels like that.

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