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I told him the truth (afterMath)

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So I posted earlier that I told the husband that his wife was cheating on him with my bf and she denied the whole thing, and He BELIEVED her even when I sent all the evidence to him. I am so upset because not only do I look dumb but this women who doesn't need to be married is still married and taken her husband for a fool.


so I decided that I will not waste my energy on trying to convince this man on his wife's extra hobbies and hope that one day she will realize that what she did was very wrong, Why is it the truth: that good people always finish last?


I am just getting bitter now!

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You've done everything you can do. You gave him the information. If he wants to stick his head in the sand, well... that's his funeral.


Betcha anything, though, that he's not inwardly as unfazed by it as he seemed. I'll bet he's watching her with a lot more suspicion now, even if he's not letting on.


Now is the time to let it rest. Karma will one day bite her in the ass. You'll see.

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Hey, you did the right thing. You told him what was all going on. It's his choice whether to believe you or not. He will realize eventually that you were right. Its just too bad he is too blind to see that now.

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He's choosing to believe her because he does not want to believe his wife could cheat on him - that's a huge blow to most men. Denial is his coping mechanism. However, you can be certain that the seeds of doubt have been planted and he's not as sanguine about it as he appears to you.

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It's also possible that he's known about it all along and has chosen to ignore it. Your b/f might not have been the first one and probably won't be the last one.


You've done your part. Unless the H approaches you for more information, time to walk away.

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Never underestimate the power of denial.


You can present evidence to even the most intelligent mind, but they will continue forward as if in their own reality.


It's a survival mechanism, really.

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So I posted earlier that I told the husband that his wife was cheating on him with my bf and she denied the whole thing, and He BELIEVED her even when I sent all the evidence to him. I am so upset because not only do I look dumb but this women who doesn't need to be married is still married and taken her husband for a fool.


so I decided that I will not waste my energy on trying to convince this man on his wife's extra hobbies and hope that one day she will realize that what she did was very wrong, Why is it the truth: that good people always finish last?


I am just getting bitter now!

I agree with the other posters. You have done all you can. People say 'once a cheater, always a cheater' so your boyfriend would not have been the last one, she will cheat on her husband again and when she does lets hope her husband is not pulled along for the ride.

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