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not sure whats happening

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Me and my best friend who is 34 years old and engaged to her boyfriend are very close. For the last 3 months she has been giving me kisses and hugs. We went out this last weekend because her boyfriend was out of town. She bought me dinner for my birthday. We got back to her place and she put on some music and danced, she started huging and kissing. I told her it was late and I had to go. She said


I should just spend the night. She said to get the sleeping bag out of her room and open it and put it in front of the fireplace. She started a fire put on soft music. And came


out with two pillows and a blanket. She turned off the light and climbed under the covers with me. We woke up at 11am. We did not have sex. We woke up in one anothers arms. She has told me she is in love with me, and I have told her I am in love with her. But I cant do anything more


until she breaks it off with her boyfriend. I just dont know what she is tring to do ???????? anyone have ideas??

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She needs to figure out what/who she wants or people involved will be hurt. My advice is to hold back until she straightens things out with her present boyfriend, one way or another.

Me and my best friend who is 34 years old and engaged to her boyfriend are very close. For the last 3 months she has been giving me kisses and hugs. We went out this last weekend because her boyfriend was out of town. She bought me dinner for my birthday. We got back to her place and she put on some music and danced, she started huging and kissing. I told her it was late and I had to go. She said I should just spend the night. She said to get the sleeping bag out of her room and open it and put it in front of the fireplace. She started a fire put on soft music. And came out with two pillows and a blanket. She turned off the light and climbed under the covers with me. We woke up at 11am. We did not have sex. We woke up in one anothers arms. She has told me she is in love with me, and I have told her I am in love with her. But I cant do anything more


until she breaks it off with her boyfriend. I just dont know what she is tring to do ???????? anyone have ideas??

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