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FWB questions

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Am involved in a FWB relationship---rules have been established. However, it has been 2.5 months since anything has happened. We have ran into each other a couple of times. Exchanged lots of emails (mostly due to me initiating).

Since we have begun this FWB thing his daughter has moved in with him. We both have busy careers, many things going on in our lives-a few business trips etc.

I have invited him over and usually there is an excuse of that he has to work, he is busy, his daughter needs to get adjusted. Then of course the busy times of the holidays.

I have said something about the fact of not getting together--and he of course--said things that he will try and make things happen, he promises that he will try-very very very hard...etc etc.. Its just not happening... I haven't been in touch for over a week now--nor not a word from him (but it has been the holidays).

My question-since its a FWB thing--do you just kind of let things happen as they do...I am sure he is not with anyone else--I am not seeing anyone else either...how long do you keep participating in a friend with benefits thing that are not getting any benefits???

I have gone on a date during this time too--no interest there...

Just looking for more advice/suggestions on FWB's

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Well , you have just one option ... Ask him whats going on... the possibilities are endless of what could have happened


if he doesnt repsond orcontinues to be like that , break the thing and move on

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See, that is the thing that is bad about FWB. You end up getting attached in some way. It sounds to me like you are putting more into this then he is. If you want to continue to wait around, then do that. If not, then cut him loose and find someone who actually is looking for exactly what you are.

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FWB rarely work over the long term because usually one of you gets attached. I think you need to wonder why you are on a relationship forum asking why this guy isn't giving you enough attention.;)

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FWBs in a relationship thread?

makes no sense


someone asked me - do long distance relationships usually work out? like say a couple has been going out for 8 years, they both move to different countries - what happens


every person i know that has done that - it ends in less than 2 years

u can't have a relationship [shared experiences = shared memories = connection] with yerself or silence


i am sure there are examples of it working - but its very rare


like finding an old Vasoline Dogs cd in the 5buck bin at walmart


my 2 cents

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