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okay so i have a problem and its with my bestfriend. well my bestfriend is a very very flirtacious person sometimes i think she does it just for fun or maybe its just her nature but she knows what shes doing and she thinks its funny. everyguy she talks to or i talk to she flirts with them sexualy. she even does it with my boyfriends and to people she knows im really interested in. for some reason it just dosn't feel right not to introduce them to her its almost a thing now where i introduce them to her just to see what they'll do and they always do the same thing.


she lives in a diff state than i do at this moment because of family problems so i can only talk to her on the phone at this time and point thats the reason i introduce them to the people and she does it over the phone. sometimes she will end up talking to my boyfriends and somehow gets them talking about there problems and secrets and holds it above my head in some situations. everytime something happens she always has another side to the story and knows something i dont know about someone close to me. i know people keep telling me not to be her friend but its hard to do that because i've confronted her about it and she comes off all innocent so i can't have any reason not to be her friend because from what she's telling me its the guys flirting with her.


but then the guys tell me its her whos coming on to them. i've even went as far as being on the phone with the guys and her not knowing it and she brings sexual things up and stuff and as soon as shes gonna say it she says oh i know shes on the phone like she dosnt want me to hear(this has happend on plenty of occasions) so i know something is up i just dont know if shes doing it on purpose or if she is just an attention whore. i would really love to know should i get her back and get revenge ( i sure would love that ) or what should i do to fix this problem?

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Why not drop the childish ideas of revenge and just stop talking to her? She doesn't sound like a person I would want as a friend.

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Drop her as a friend. You don't need excuses to stop hanging out with someone who doesn't appear to be worthwhile. You will find that as you go through life, there will be plenty of people who pretend to be your friend for convenience and gem-like people who will be people worth hanging onto for dear life. Keep the gems and toss the garbage.

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no revenge, you will be stuck taking her c**p until you find the right moment and the abuse you will have taken in the meantime won't be worth it.


I went through the same thing, hung on 2 more years waiting for the moment and you know what-she got the last laugh because she was more evil than I was, she ended up humiliating me but realy I had done it to myself by not walking when I should have. I wish I could take those years back, and have found new friends earlier. Also, it will take a toll on your esteem, the best advice I ever received was "when I feel like I want to take revenge on a friend it is time to stop contact with that person".


Please don't make the same mistake I did, I had years of anger that lasted beyond the termination because I subjected myself to her headgames. Friends don't do any of that stuff you listed above!! ever!!!


Drop her, run, don't look back, don't get into the explanations of what she did-she will play with your head as long as you let her. The only way to not lket her is break all contact, and don't take her calls afterwards, then she will be just trying to get you, and it will be even worse.


We all have choices, it may not seem as gratifying as revenge, but better yet, when you have forgotten about her and do not have to deal with the pain of a so called friend you will feel better and better people will come into your life now that you know what to look out for.

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I'd drop her like a hot potato. Don't tell her why, don't take her calls, just pretend she's not there anymore. It's kinda dignified to do that, and also, to be honest, very cold, which I think would satisfy your need for revenge! You don't need negative people like that in your life.

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