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I am lost...please help me...

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I met this girl about 1 year ago. I was in love with this other girl that never even wanted to go out with me. We started going out after 3 weeks of meeting each other. She was like the perfect girl and even though i had feelings for the other girl we decided to give it a chance. Everything started going very well but then her family starting getting in the relationship and she wanted everything to be serious...get married and move in together. after about 9 months of us getting together, we started having sex. Then she wanted to get married. I was really confused and wanted some space. I hurt her feelings very bad. She was really in love with me. Some time passed and a guy at her job started sending her flowers and things to work. Then she told me that she wanted to give it a chance with this co-worker. I was very sure of myself, and i told her to give it a chance but when i noticed that thigs were serious, i got so scared to loose her. I told her if she wanted to get back together and to really make it work. She then told me she needed time. We see each other every now and then and it has been about 2 months now that she started dating this other guy but it is killing me inside. Just 1 week ago, i saw her and she told me that she was still confused and i was at her house and we ended up having sex and she then told me she thinks she is falling for the co-worker, but then why did she have sex with me. I just wish she would give me an apportunity but she keeps going out with this other guy at the same time. I am very confused. Just yesterday i came back from out of town, she told me that people at her workplace make comments about them both going out and she tells me that it bothers her. I told her that if those comments bothered her, then why did she say that she was falling for this guy. And she told me that she was falling for this guy 3 days after we had sex. I don't know what to do. I miss her so much, i feel like there is no reason for me without her. Please help. I don't know what to do.


Sorry, if this is so long and thank you.

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It sounds like she's going for this other guy. You certainly had your chance. She was madly in love with you, she wanted to move in with you and later marry you...but you were the one who was confused and, as you said, you hurt her.


She's out for a fresh start. She's not going to go back to a guy who hurt her once. And most women are quite familiar with the tendency of men to want them after they are seeing somebody else and they usually don't fall for that and seldom return.


But don't fret. This is a lesson for you. The next time a lady professes to love you and wants to be with you forever and you feel there may be a chance, go for it. You're not obligated in any way...you just have to make the exploration.


Your window of opportunity with this girl has come and gone. Stay away from her now and let her proceed with her plans. That she had sex with you is no big deal...she was probably thinking about her new guy the whole time. That's happens a lot...not your fault.


Be kind to yourself and find another nice lady for yourself. This girl is seeing someone!

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You had your chance! Although, if she were in love like she said she was, she could have given you a second chance. The only thing is, someone else moved in on her first and didn't give you or her that window of opportunity.


Women do not like indecisive men. Its a very big turn off.

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You practically rejected her, she had no reason to wait around for you to make up your mind.

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