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I thought it wouldnt happen to me

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Just a little less than a Month ago I found out my husband of 6 years cheated on me. I just had a baby 3 months ago and I was going in for my results on my Post-Pregnancy Appointment when I find out that I have a STD. (thats weird because I have never cheated on my husband so there is only one explanation, the Bastard cheated on me) After everything we have been through the worst thing happend. I feel disgusted, he says it wont happen again but you know what the feelings I had for him are not as strong as they used to be. I think I should just leave him but he is kinda crazy. I tried to leave him the other day and he cried like a baby I didnt know what to do, he is a big guy so it was really pathetic. He is very Emotionally abusive I cry all the time, I mean Im not perfect but I dont deserve to be this miserable. I have two kids with him and I feel like he ruined me in more than one way. I just wish I had more confidence and strength to do what I really need to do for myself and my children, but I love him.. atleast I think I do, or maybe Im inlove with whats in his pants.. I dont know what to do.. or if I can do it.. Someone help me :(

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Look into your heart and see what you want. Maybe take a break from him for a while. But since you both have got kids together he will always be in your life no matter what because it is he's rights as a father to visit he's own children.

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He gave you an STD, meaning that not only did he have sex with another woman, but he did so unprotected with no regard as to how it might effect you. You need to get out now, if he didn't care about you enough to at least use protection then well

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Divorce that loser. Refuse to talk to him. In the meanwhile, go stare at pictures of the STD on google to remind yourself of what he did to you. If you stay with him you'll be approving of his behavior. He is turning you into trash, ****ing get outta there.


Be stoic. Be stoic all the way through this and you will leave this situation with grace. Don't cry, don't be at all reactive to that low life ugly **** that is living with you. Relegate him to the basement or something, at least until you can get your own place. You're beautiful, a goddess and all he wants right now, all he is crying right now is for your forgiveness and acceptance. He probably has never shown this much interest in your in a long time, don't get intoxicated by it, and don't play mother theresa, that's the absolute worst thing you could do. Don't you dare give him his forgiveness or acceptance. Just keep being stoic, and if anything don't talk to the bastard. Don't give him the time of day and even you do wish to stay with him, you'll get such positive results from your disapproval that it'll stun you. He'll 180 into a new man, and if you wish to remain with the douche slut - that will probably end up doing it again, you better be sure he's a changed man.

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