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Cheating Boyfriend

Confused Chick

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Confused Chick

Ok, I just really need some opinions on this. I'm 15 years old and I have been going out with this guy for almost 10 months now. The thing is that I found out that he was cheating on me. And not just CHEATING, like fooling around a bit, but actually like, seeing someone else. As in he had 2 girlfriends. But the way I found out is that I read his e-mail. But I had reason to! If I didn't suspect, I wouldn't have done that. I just don't know what to do...I love him. This is my first true love. I always told myself that if my boyfriend ever cheated on me, I would dump him in half a heartbeat. But I just can't. Can you guys please please please respond? Thanx a bunch!

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Don't stick with a guy that cheats. I know you said you love him and what you want to hear is "forgive him". but don't girl. You're 15 and i know he's your first love.. but that's just it. He's your FIRST love. There will be more- i promise and they won't cheat on you. What good is it if you can't trust him?


If you really love him and think you'll end up together- like forever- tell him you want to take a break. Take some time off from eachother,see if he dates anyone else or if he's really sorry and wants to be with you. Then decide.


Whatever you do.. it'll all work out eventually. The only people you have to answer to are yourself and God. So trust your heart, and stay true to yourself- don't stay with a guy who hurts you.

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