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Likness of Muhammad not allowed?

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I was watching a special on TV and it was talking about the statuary in Washington DC and the historical figures of 'law givers' including Moses, Charlamagne, and a whole bunch of others -- including Muhammad. I knew it was there and never thought much about it but then I was thinking-- isn't that against Islam? To have any kind of likness to represent Muhammad?

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Hey HR....


Don't know about the question you asked, although that is the custest picture on your quotes! That is really cool what you had to say(quotes)......

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Hey HR....


Don't know about the question you asked, although that is the custest picture on your quotes! That is really cool what you had to say(quotes)......


typo....cutest....wouldn't let me edit....

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Hi H.R.


I read two different opinions on the statue. Still nothing solid.

Some Muslims say the statue is not permitted while other Muslims

say its not written that its not permitted to have a statue.

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