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I need 2 find out how she feels

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Iam 15 and in love. I met my gf this summer and we started dating around september. it was great i would go to football games where her band would play we would hangout all the time. Her dad doesnt like me at all but she works past that and we are still togater but her family recently moved about 30 minutes away. But since she moved everything has been different. she didnt call me for a couple of days after they moved but i wasnt worried because her phone might not have been set up for a while.


So about 2 days aftter she moves theres a dance and we talk there she tells me that she loves me. but i was jealous all night because some guy keeps dancing with her probably more than i did that night. The only reason i didnt beat him up is because she said he was her best freinds bf. so i just let it go. Well me and my freind decide we'll go out to rye new years ee and hangout with her and her freind. but we talked to them and she said they probably wouldnt do anything and we should hangout new years. Well we call our freind shelby new years eve and she just happens to be at my girlfreinds house and there are a bunch of people there including the guys she danced with alot at the dance earlier. So we call my gf's house and ask for her and she says that they all came over after this other thing and that she wasnt planing on anyone coming at all.


So we just let it go and she said that we would all hangout tommarow. well tommarow comes and my freind calls her and was all what r we doing to day and she says idk iam busy unpaking call sarah bye and hangs up ad hasnt called me since so i need to know what to do because i love her with all my heart and i dont want to get hurt plzz help :(

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Your lady friend seems like trouble, with a capital T. For your own sake, I'd stay away from her; she's a heart breaker in the making.


i need to know what to do


You're young bro, finish school & stop worrying about girls! There's plenty of time for girls in the later parts of life.

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You have the rest of your life to find the one you love. I promise and I am sure many people will agree with me this is not the person for you. You are so young to be concerned with "LOVE" this will pass and when you do find the ONE that your suppose to be with I promise you will look back at this and think what the heck was I thinking. I was 15 once too and I know that it will feel like the world is over and you can't go on but just focus all your energy on school and do the best you can, in the long run you will see that it's the best advice you have ever taken. Girls can wait, trust me. I am was one, and some girls nowdays are just plain mean. She sounds like one of those girls and girls that act like that have no one but themselves in mind.

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