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21 yro going out wiht a 18 yro. Is it too much of a age difference?

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Well I recently came back in contact with I girl I knew a few years back. Shes now 17, but will be 18 at the [FONT=&quot]beginning[/FONT] of May and I will be 21 at the end of March. All in all, it's a 3 year and 1 month age diff. We've talked online a fair amt. and also on the phone just recently and she honestly seems very mature from talking to her on the phone. I was just recently dating a 22 yro for a few weeks and the girl in question acts just as mature if not more than the 22 yro. I was dating, or seems to at least. My question is, is this too much of a age difference? I mean if she was 18 going on 19 I wouldn't worry about it, but 3 years age difference seems to be right on the fence of what is acceptable.

P.S. I am NOT just thinking about going out with her to get in her pants.

Thanks much!

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If the two of you are in similar life situations, I don't see any problem with it. If she's in high school still, however, it seems to me like that would be a bit iffy. JMO, though.

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She actually dropped out of HS, she had mono(I know kind of gross). She will be finishing up her GED in a few weeks, and I already have my Assoc. degree in college and I am now currently working on my BA degree, I'm a criminal justice major. She will be going to college in the fall for something to do with interior design.

Idk, I'm very much on the fence with it.

Thanks for the reply.

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I dated a 23-year-old when I was 18 and the age difference was never a problem (though the relationship didn't work out for other reasons). If you're both at similar levels of mental and emotional maturity, and the age thing is the only thing keeping you back, I'd say go for it. Three years really isn't much. And as you both get older, it will become even less signifcant.

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