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Marriage doubts after six months

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My and my wife got marriage six months ago after 10 years of going out we are both 27 years old. We started planning our wedding in March 2005 but than cancelled the wedding in December 05 because we got cold feet. Then I found out that my wife (girlfriend at this stage) was seeing someone else. She assured me nothing happen (a few meeting for drinks with now an ex mate of mine). After a few late night of talking, I ask my wife to marry me again, because I didn’t want to lose her and was afraid of been on my own. Now six months of marriage have passed and all I can think off is the two months prior to the wedding, about how she like me more as a brother than a boyfriend and how she would have like to have other boyfriends before we got married ect. I just think she married me because she felt sorry for me. she is already started talking about kids which I want but not sure if I want them with her because I am unsure of are future and my feelings.



This new year’s eve I saw one of my wife’s ex work mates (I have only seen her twice) and just realised how much I like her, not even sure how her work mate feels about me, but even if I stay and forget about her work mate I think frustration will set in sooner or later for both of us and we will come to hate each other. It would kill me to end it so soon after the wedding especially also as I get on so well with her mum and dad. But I can’t see this lasting forever. It not like we argue or don’t have a good sexually relationship but I feel I have seen are relationship in a new light and I don’t want to carry on with this for another four or five years and spoil any chance of us starting a family with someone else. I think my wife will also be fuming that I have come to this decision after the wedding and not before, has she probable think everything is rosy especially as I ask her to stay and to marry me.



Any advice welcome. [COLOR=black][/COLOR]

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Advice - go to marriage counseling...NOW. Don't have kids until you resolve your issues together. And don't give up on your marriage just because you saw some woman once.

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Yes you both need marriage counseling and if either one of you had doubts before you both got married you shouldn't have IMO. Have you talked to your wife about this?


Now I did myself and I talked to my H about it and he did a little bit but the more we talked about it and worked thru some stuff we both realized that we wanted to spend our life together. I had doubts because it was the biggest thing I was about to do in my life but in the end I was glad that I made that decision to marry him.

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