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REVENGE... This is really good. A MUST read.

Kim (aka Confused Chick)

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Kim (aka Confused Chick)

Ok, if you didn't read my last message, here's whats up: I found out that my boyfriend of 10 months was dating another girl (let's call her Mary) at the same time as me. Thank Gawd he just recently broke it off with her because I started accusing him of cheating. I found this out by reading his e-mail ( I know, I know...bad bad bad.) But anyways, after reading her last e-mail which was on Nov. 7th ("Why didn't you just dump me instead of cheating on your other girlfriend?! How could you do that to someone?? Well, whatever, It's obviously over between us now. Tell your girfriend that I'm sorry..." etc) I e-mailed her and told her basically that I'm not mad at her, but since we are both mad at him, we should get him back...REAL good. This is my plan so far: I could get Mary to go out for dinner with him. Then I could be at the same restraunt as them, but not letting my boyfriend see me. She could tell him that she has a surprise for him. Then she could silently signal me and I could come walking over, pull up a chair to their table, smile at him, take a piece of his food and pop it in my mouth, flash him another smile and say in a sweet voice, "Surprise..." Ohhh baby! Is it just me, or is that not so incredibly good?! Well, anyways, please write back with any suggestions or comments or anything, k? Thanx!

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Revenge can be sweet but it can also backfire. If you really want to go all out and get him, then go for it. Just make sure it's what you really want to do, consider the aftermath, be smarter than him. If you become friends with "Mary" that will make him uncomfortable enough, he'll probably be spurred into some action. He sounds like he's not worth your time, so don't waste too much of your energy on him. A good thing I see in this is that you and Mary got together and weren't mad at each other, so often it seems like the people who have been cheated on/with get mad at each other. Go ahead and teach him a lesson if that's what you want to do, just be prepared for the results, whatever they may be.

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That's good. It will hurt him only mentally. What if he does this all the time and he is thick-skinned. Thought of doing something physically... Get a room and turn him on. Then let the other girl come inside, start slapping, punching him like a dog. He will never dream of dating another gir. To the worst, he will never think of marrying at all.


Are you strong enough to defend yourselves?


Well done girls,



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Ok, if you didn't read my last message, here's whats up: I found out that my boyfriend of 10 months was dating another girl (let's call her Mary) at the same time as me. Thank Gawd he just recently broke it off with her because I started accusing him of cheating. I found this out by reading his e-mail ( I know, I know...bad bad bad.) But anyways, after reading her last e-mail which was on Nov. 7th ("Why didn't you just dump me instead of cheating on your other girlfriend?! How could you do that to someone?? Well, whatever, It's obviously over between us now. Tell your girfriend that I'm sorry..." etc) I e-mailed her and told her basically that I'm not mad at her, but since we are both mad at him, we should get him back...REAL good. This is my plan so far: I could get Mary to go out for dinner with him. Then I could be at the same restraunt as them, but not letting my boyfriend see me. She could tell him that she has a surprise for him. Then she could silently signal me and I could come walking over, pull up a chair to their table, smile at him, take a piece of his food and pop it in my mouth, flash him another smile and say in a sweet voice, "Surprise..." Ohhh baby! Is it just me, or is that not so incredibly good?! Well, anyways, please write back with any suggestions or comments or anything, k? Thanx!

This reminds me of a Brandy video. Well anyway, it's agood idea but is it fool proof? I mean he's already not seeing the girl anymore. Also, I think you guys should put your heads together for something better because you can only do this once. How about bugging him out by her going to the bathroom, and you coming to her seat and acting like you were supposedto be there then you go to the bathoom and she goes over to the table, hopefully he won't say check please when you go to the bathroom.


Kim, please tell me what you think of this and please respond to my message:"Please Respond!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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LET IT GO! He obviousely is a little terd. What you should do is introduce them to each other and then see what he does!

Ok, if you didn't read my last message, here's whats up: I found out that my boyfriend of 10 months was dating another girl (let's call her Mary) at the same time as me. Thank Gawd he just recently broke it off with her because I started accusing him of cheating. I found this out by reading his e-mail ( I know, I know...bad bad bad.) But anyways, after reading her last e-mail which was on Nov. 7th ("Why didn't you just dump me instead of cheating on your other girlfriend?! How could you do that to someone?? Well, whatever, It's obviously over between us now. Tell your girfriend that I'm sorry..." etc) I e-mailed her and told her basically that I'm not mad at her, but since we are both mad at him, we should get him back...REAL good. This is my plan so far: I could get Mary to go out for dinner with him. Then I could be at the same restraunt as them, but not letting my boyfriend see me. She could tell him that she has a surprise for him. Then she could silently signal me and I could come walking over, pull up a chair to their table, smile at him, take a piece of his food and pop it in my mouth, flash him another smile and say in a sweet voice, "Surprise..." Ohhh baby! Is it just me, or is that not so incredibly good?! Well, anyways, please write back with any suggestions or comments or anything, k? Thanx!
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