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I'm telling you Im out of my mind!

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:confused: Okay this New Years was a total freaking joke. Me and my BF were running around all day I worked and stuff to make enough money to get us a room for the night. Well he ended up leaving me there and coming back and spitting in my face and I was asleep.


I got up in the wee morning hours he was snoring away. I took a bath put on my make up and then left him a note. Told him I couldnt take it anymore. Took all the money out of his wallet (CUZ IT WAS MINE) and left walked 4 miles home to my house. Walked in and called him a few times and he finally answered and told me im a theif and to f off. I have my roommate take me back there he acts like a total jerk and then before we leave he says whnt to get the room again?


We do and it was even worst then the night before. His ex send him a picture of herself and he shows it to me and it almost killed me when he said now this is a real woman. I got up and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. I thought I was dead meat he just tackled me on the bed and said dont you ever hit me again . And the he stood up looked at me and said. OMG grabs me and holds me telling me hes so sorry and I just broke down in tears. He soothed me til I was done and started acting like a completely different person. I was like okay. Then I asked him if I could take a bath. and he got it ready for me which is totally not him.


We ended up talking all night long and sleeping in each others arms. I gave him my last bit of money to get his truck smogged then he brought me home. He is going to see that bitch I know he is and it is going to piss me off so bad. I know Im losing my mind I just know it. :(

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wow, why would you fight to have someone that treats you like this? you are way better than that. run while you still can!!

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He's using you! If you stay in a relationship like that you will be hurt and it may not just be emotional either. RUN! Run as fast as you can and if you pass go DO NOT give the $200 to him!

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Listen to this advice. Run like hell. Look at your signature...that's not love, he treats you so badly. see the truth...he doesn't love you.

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He sounds like a disrespectful, cruel, and selfish loser of a man. Is he also a drug addict or alcoholic?


So, the real question is: Why did you choose such a person to begin with?


Do you not think yourself capable of finding someone decent? Is it a 'bad boy' fetish you are chasing? Honestly, I think you need to love yourself more than you do, or you will find people that treat you this poorly... and stay with them.

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There is nothing unusual about that pattern... He hits you then turns into prince charming, it's called the honeymoon phase.


If you stick it out be prepared for it to happen again, and again, and again... only it gets worse each time. So instead of just a little spit or maybe a bit of physical roughing up it will be a full on beating eventually.


The thing is... he was mean and you went back, he was even meaner and you went back... what is your last straw? At what point do you finally get down and dirty honest with yourself and say whoa, this man is not good for me?


Use the trick my counselor taught me... imagine it was your daughter telling you this story, or someone younger that you feel protective of... Are you gonna tell her that this treatment was ok or would you hunt the bastard down and castrate him for doing that to your baby?


Yeah... exactly...


Now love yourself enough to do it :)


And no you aren't out of your mind, there are millions of us out there that have to learn the hard way. You don't think my counselor taught me that trick for nothing do you? Lol, Hell, you don't think I'm in counseling for nothing do you?


PM me anytime... but remember, being alone is hard but being alone with a guy like that is hell... it only gets worse from here and I know that for a fact.

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I am trying my damnedest to stay away from him. He is a charming man very charming. I am going to try to love myself it is a hard task for me. VERY HARD!

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I am trying my damnedest to stay away from him. He is a charming man very charming. I am going to try to love myself it is a hard task for me. VERY HARD!

I've been in your situation, and it only gets worse... don't wait until you are slammed into a wall or thrown out a moving car... no amount of "love" is worth that LIFETIME of pain.

You are a smart girl, you are reaching out for help and advice... the next thing an abuser will do is shut down any outside contact and turn your family and friends away... trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Stay strong, and yes LOVE yourself... once you do, others will love you in the same fashion.

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I hear you there and your probably right. I don't know if he is all that mean I seem to have brought out a sweeter side of him. He and I have been spending every waking & sleeping moment together and he has been both sweet and stern. I like a man to take control but I just wish it was a more healther type of control. You know like he would'nt want me to use or to not pay a bill on time. You know what I mean? Someone to watch out for my best intrest.


I guess I was the cause of a lot of his outburst because I'm very stubborn and always have to have my way. And when I'm driving the car in a relationship it crashes. So yeah I like men like that. I can't stand a pussy! I was with one for 11 LONG years. He was a great provider and I took wonderful care of him but when it came down to beating someones ass it was mine and his daughters. Not the dude who took his tools when his back was turned or the guy he took care of when he got arrested and the minute he was released robbed our home. He still threw darts with the guy after found his dvd player in the guys home. Now thats a pussy. YUCK!!:eek:

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wouldn't you rather have a real man like this


He's an a$$wipe moocher. He'll put on the charming act whenever he wants sex, money or a room. He doesn't give a crap about you, you're a source of supply whenever he needs sex, money or attention.


Cut this guy out of your life completely, or expect to financially support this douchebag while he checks out other women and gets mean with you.

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