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He's Got Problems...

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Alright.. so I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. He has some major jealousy problems. At first we were only close friends, and eventually figured that we should start a relationship. We've been through alot in the past year. He had an extremely crazy ex-gf(they had been broke up for almost a year before we started dating).. that wouldn't stop bothering both of us. But mainly she'd do things to piss me off.


I wouldn't get really upset about it, because I always tried to be the better person, but eventually she took it a little over the edge. She'd stalk me, try to run me off the road, come over to his house while I was there, just stupid things like that. But anyhow I'd say we've been through alot. Since we've been dating his jealous problem has gotten alot worse. He wanted me to stop talking to all guys, period. The ones I work and go to school with. I think thats pretty selfish of himself. I've tried so many times to explain to him, I'm not interested in anyone else.. he agrees but then still tells me to not speak to any guy.


I got tired of this, and broke up with him. Those two months were pretty rough for the both of us. We'd both call one another, but most of the time argue about something stupid. I know he loves me, and I know he needs to grow up and stop with this jealousy problem.


We recently got back together, because I couldnt' handle being upset everyday and I couldn't resist being without him. Things have been going well, but he's been getting upset because other guys call. I just can't stop people calling me since we haven't been together in two months. He just doesn't seem to listen to me he only thinks of what he wants and never seems to care about what I have to say.


I have no idea what I should do or say to him. Ofcourse I want to be with him, but this crap has to stop. I hate being yelled at. Most of the yelling relates to "guys" he thinks guys are going to talk to me. Its really not my fault to be punished because other guys look at me. Its not like im paying attention to them. I'm with him, and I let him know this. I dont wont to be with anyone else. But he insist on punishing me.. because guys look at me? sounds pretty stupid.


I just need some good advice!

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