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boyfriends weird relationship with neighbor/friend

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Hey guys,

I just started dating this really nice guy who I like a lot. I'm not completely sure where to start but he has this friend who lives next door to him who hes known for a couple of years. Well, she is 18 and has two little girls and he goes over there to see them all the time. Like three or four times a day. He acts like a daddy to the girls and talks with the mom a lot. When the kids dad calls she makes my guy be quiet so that he doesnt hear that my guy is over there. She even breast feeds and changes in front of him and crap (and me when I'm there). All of this bothers me bothers me. And instead of talking to him about it I just get upset and angry and end up being mean to him which isnt fair to him at all. Should I say something to him about it? Or just keep my mouth shut and get over it?

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I guess if it makes you feel unconfortable you should talk to him about it. If this friends husband or partner is not with her she may be using your boyfriend as a replacement even if there is nothing sexual going on. But that just sets the stage for trouble in the future. Granted he might not even realise the effects of his behaviour and he never will if you dont tell him.

Good Luck

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this may sound silly....but ask him how would he feel if you had a male friend and went over to his place few times a day? Most guys are not comfortable with this idea. Possible solution is to keep your guy very busy so he doesn't time to see the neighboor.

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Yeah that's really strange. Well, you know that she's comfortable changing in front of anyone since she did in front of you. But him going over there that often is really strange. Tell him it makes you uncomfortable when he visits there more than once a day. Tell him why it concerns you. He won't know what is bothering you until you tell him.

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I believe you, Erica05973, are over-reacting in my opinion. You shouldn't be scared to discuss such topics with your significant other.


Be open to him about his neighbor. He is simply enjoying the time and interaction with her two children. He is just having some fun, thus it shouldn't be taken in bad light.


Tell him you are uncomfortable. That is it. Let him make his visits but if you completely stop him it will only ignite the trust bed.


Good Luck.


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