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Ex' Stuff

Santiago 17

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What do I do with furniture and applainces that my ex loaned me that I do not need anymore or replace. I do not want to contact her anymore, I am done with that, but I do not want to throw away her stuff that she made a point of wanting back if I didn't need it. I also don't want to send a friend to drop it off b/c that seems immature, and we have had civil conversation a couple of times since the uncivil and immature games stopped, but since then I have realized I need to not contact her, I really don"t even want to hear about her She also has some things of mine I want back, and I don't mean little things She has a TV, and bike, etc.... I mean at first it wasn't a priority b/c we still talked about getting back together, but now she is totally in another serious relationship.

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Several choices.


Option 1: Take them to a storage facility, pay for 2 months of storage and send her a letter explaining that she needs to come pick them up and you will not pay for storage after month #2.


Option 2: Have a friend take the items to her.


Either way, you will avoid direct contact.

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