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Lesbians - broken up, loss of trust, back together - how do we trust again?

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My ex of about 2 years & I broke up a little over six months ago. It was a terrible break up. Everything came to a head & she left me for many reasons. I am manipulative, a little co-dependent, etc, etc. I've got issues. However, so does she. But, we truly loved each other. I dont think we actually ever stopped loving each other. While we were broken up, we both started other relationships.


Soon after we were both in other relationships, we started sleeping together. Behind our respective girlfriends' backs. We decided we wanted to get back together, so we broke up with our gfs and started seeing each other. (This is, of course, very condensed, but I dont want to put all the emotional aspects in it bc I want some objective responses.) While we were apart, we both gained some individuality & new friends. (The positive.)


We also were terrible to each other & each did our share of mean things to the other. We broke all the things we had built while we were together. (The negative.) How do we get back to where we were? How do we repair this broken relationship? How does a couple gain back trust?

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Hey there,


I think I need more info... How old are you two? Have either of you had big relationships before being together, or is this your first big relationship? Can you give some specifics about how you hurt one another? Was it a matter of putting the other one down? Or lying?...

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