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Question mainly for the guys!

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If a man compliments you EXCESIVELY, about your purse, the way you smell, the way you dress, your nice tan, nice body, tells you your hot, beggs you to join his gym, first night there says "I am glad your here", and says it in such a serious-heart-felt tone, and tells you several times how he enjoys seeing you, again, says it very sincere and heart-felt, and when seeing you at the gym, says "I was looking for you, I was thinking...she should be here anytime".., and he will give you like, five compliments in one "visit", and blushes a lot, and tells me he feels comfortable talking to me. - what does this say? As a woman, how should I take this?


Here is the kicker ............................READY for this - we are both married, and this has been going on for almost six months. He makes it a point (I feel) not to ask about my husband. Also, once he asked me where I was going shopping, when I told him, he told me I should "check out" this hotel while down there, and that it is very romantic, or I could go on line and look at the rooms, he did not say - you and your husband, or "you guys" should look at it, just me, I, should look at it - Is this "innocent flirting" or does he have intent?




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Ok after reading all that, id say this guy flat out is just trying to get some action, if you love your husband, I wouldnt hang around that guy too much, if you wanna try and get a new friend out of this, just come out and say that your happily married, and youll never do anything to screw that up. If he still keeps up that aggresive flirting, thats enough of that.....

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