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Defineition of Cake Eater

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All this talk about cake eaters, so I googled cake eater and came up with the following. I did not write it and if I knew who did I would give them credit for sure. I just like it and decided to share it with you




One who wants to have their cake and eat it too. This person does not necessarily have to be rich to fall into this category. It is reserved for whiney people that can't make up their minds or understand why "life has to be so hard".


Cake eater: "Why am I so unhappy? I just don't know what I want, why does life have to be so hard?"


Realistic person: "Grow the **** up and take some responsibility for your life you ****ing cake eater!"

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Yep, a lot of the MM the OWs date do indeed sound very whiney and baby-ish. If they would tackle one problem at a time head on, they wouldn't have a need for an OW and end up breaking a lot of hearts (including their own, if they are generally not the cheating type) all for nothing.

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Haha - that's p*ss funny! So true - 'Help me! My wife 'doesn't understand me' and I can't leave her for my mistress - oh I'm so confused - such reliable comfort on one hand and such intense sexual attraction and freedom on the other which is so scary! Oh what to do!?' Keep two women in limbo of sorts - that's what! It's way too predictable - to not be sexist, I'm sure there are women cake eaters out there too in which case substitute genders but yes well quoted herenow!

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BTDT, always happy to sprout vitriolic cynicism and perhaps incidentally provide a laugh - RMD - can I use that? Hehe!


Yes those great sex and power gods we call our MM are just like dribbling babies when you look at it in that perspective! Men (and women) in that situation can be rather weak to avoid conflict and keep stringing ppl along...

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All this talk about cake eaters, so I googled cake eater and came up with the following. I did not write it and if I knew who did I would give them credit for sure. I just like it and decided to share it with you




One who wants to have their cake and eat it too. This person does not necessarily have to be rich to fall into this category. It is reserved for whiney people that can't make up their minds or understand why "life has to be so hard".


Cake eater: "Why am I so unhappy? I just don't know what I want, why does life have to be so hard?"


Realistic person: "Grow the **** up and take some responsibility for your life you ****ing cake eater!"


Why did I get involved with MM, this sound's just like him. Wonder if he would like a dish of ice cream to go along with his cake?:lmao: :lmao:



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