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What does looking away mean?

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My roommate and I have lived together 6 mos; he's male I'm female; anyway, lately, if we are watching tv and if something funny happens, we'll look at each other and laugh...no big deal..but just lately he does this thing where he'll look at me but then his eyes drop like he's thought of something and then he'll look away quickly. He's done that a few times recently but never did before...does it mean anything? Well there's a lot more to the relationship which I posted here a while back...so it might be hard to answer the question...it's probably a weird question..but I'm curious about any change in his behavior for that matter...thanks for all input!

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He's been spying on you when you're in the shower and he's embarrassed?


I don't know. It could be a number of things. You two more than friends? Do you have a BF? Could he have heard you guys together or something?


It sounds like he's embarrassed about something though. It could be nothing more than he had a sexual dream of you really. A very real one. That's made me look at guys a little different to be honest.


Why don't you ask him?

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I think he likes you or at least wants to see you naked with those impromptu "oops I forgot the xyz clothing and runs into her room half naked"

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Any one of a number of things, including but not limited to...


  1. He unexpectedly finds himself falling in love with you but remembering you are his roommate looks down when he realizes that you are not available to him as a gf.
  2. He hates everything about you and when something causes him to forget that he hates you he looks at you then remembers he hates you and looks down so you don't see what he's thinking.
  3. He has ADHD and when he gets distracted by other intrusive thoughts he looks down as he zones out.
  4. He looks at you and is reminded of the one that got away then gets sad and looks away so you don't see the tear in his eye.
  5. He looks at you and thinks to himself, "I hope that one day I meet someone as wonderful as coaster...
  6. He doesn't have next months rent and doesn't know how to tell you. :laugh:


My point is that you'll never know until you ask him but are you ready for the answer and do you really want to know?

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