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About to enter a LDR!

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Ill keep it short. Ive been with my GF for 41/2 years. My insecurity is getting the best of me and I take it out on her. Now she cant stand it and is thinking about breaking up with me (she told me this) unless i stop being so insecure and stop taking it out on her. She'll be moving to Canada (Vancouver) while im in New York. We can see each othe once every few months.She'll be there for 1 1/2 years. She is starting a whole new life over there. She moving with her parents. She getting a new dog, shes going to get a new car. shes going to a new school. Shes in a new country. Her whole life is new except for me. I feel like dyying at the thought of her leaving me. I just need some positive and realistic advice of how to now be so insecure and just be with her. Aww God this sucks!

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If you are so insecure with her right there in your town, I don't see how you will possibly be able to manage a LDR. LDR's require a lot of trust and security because you are away from each other so much.


Why have you been so insecure all this time? How old are you two?

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Hard truth time. She's starting a whole new life, your insecurities are your instincts telling you something is very much "up" and they're most likely correct. Her threatening to leave you over it alone does not bode well in itself, she will probably see her whole new life as a "new start" and a way to make things "perfect" in her life as anyone of us would. It does not sound as if you are a part of her idea of a "perfect" life. A change of circumstances such as an LDR will probably kill it. That's the objective cold truth.


If you really want to make an effort and possibly save it, just remember the guy she fell in love with (you, probably) and make sure to BE that guy. It could be that she simply needs reminding what it was she saw in you, don't make it hard for her to do that.


You sound extremely attached to this relationship, hopefully for the right reasons, but to get an accurate gauge of how right this relationship is for YOU (this is key, you HAVE to think about yourself and stop dumping it on her) you need to get out regularly, sort your life out, get your **** together and then decide. If you are as insecure as you say you are perhaps counseling and such which would help.



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