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Going into a LDR...ARGGG*

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Ill keep it short. Ive been with my GF for 41/2 years. My insecurity is getting the best of me and I take it out on her. Now she cant stand it and is thinking about breaking up with me (she told me this) unless i stop being so insecure and stop taking it out on her. She'll be moving to Canada (Vancouver) while im in New York. We can see each othe once every few months. She'll be there for 1 1/2 years. She is starting a whole new life over there. She moving with her parents. She getting a new dog. Shes going to get a new car. shes going to a new school. Shes in a new country. She has so much more money than i do as well. Its sucks that she talks to me about all the great things that are happening in her life and the only thing i can say is that "im in school."


I have nothing in comparison to her and she having a whole new life with new resonsibilities makes me feel like in just old news. Like love doesnt exist. Like im just a past thought.


I know that people in relationships have their own lives. And i know being in a LDR means that communication is paramount. I just feel like so worthless because i cant control how bad i feel in comparison to her. School begins for me in february. I have nothing to do. No job. Nothing. She is not in Cananda yet but shes going to have plenty to do.


Did i also mention shes absolutely beautiful and men are all over her? Oh yeah, i hate that. I just dont think she digs me and im not sure if its my insecurity or if its true. I want to be happy for her but i get so angry at her happiness...because i dont have what she has.


I guess I really don't know what i asking for. I just want some advice on something!

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