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so, she already has a boy friend..!?

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I agree, spot on. One positive thing is that she apologized for her behavior and seems to be working on it. That's good. I admire people that want to change for the better and I give them the benefit of a doubt. But if she goes back to being her bitchy self then I would think about if I wanted to be with her. Good luck!

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Hi Crazy, many thanks for your thoughts on this.


At this stage we are really only friends. As I say, I am taking this slowly for now.


I guess really all I'm doing is giving her the benefit of the doubt. Nothing more. Other than that it's strictly one day at a time. She's acknowledged a number issues on her part, and is trying to work through them. I don't think that's BS. And if it is shallow talk that will become apparent pretty quickly I reckon.


I'm also going to be away quite a bit through to mid-March (all arranged way before any of this happened BTW) so if she's fickle that will become obvious also.


Then there's her blog. It causes me a little grief for a couple of reasons. One, I haven't told her I know about it. I feel reading it, from now on, is a kind of sneaky way of "checking up on her". A friend says "you can only ever read what she chooses to write there", meaning so could any other "Tom Dick or Harry", and that she shouldn't be putting anything up that is "too private", and not for consumption by who knows who.


She now knows I have a blog, she knows I work in the general web arena, she knows I am familiar with the web, and can "find" my way around it quite easily, so...


Then there are the "comments" about her ex. Her writing style is (this may surprise some) quite "heartfelt". She writes more in a "truth hurts" kind of way. She doesn't make outright insults or outrageous accusations as such, but was certainly candid expressing her disappointment and frustration with him.


For instance she wrote about a night at his place, and her "revulsion" at having to sleep on bedsheets that hadn't been changed in over a month! While he could very well be a skank, it's still not the sort of thing you'd like to see written about yourself on a blog. On another occasion she had generally asked where he'd been, and was told she had "no right" to ask those sort of questions, and went on to detail her ensuing heartbreak at his comments.


So she was more showing off the dirty laundry as it were, and letting it speak for itself, more than anything else.


So yes, in the meantime, it's one day at a time.

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