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dont know wether to ask her out or not?

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There's this girl in my school and i really like her and ive asked my freinds if i should ask her out...ive know her for 3years and im not so sure if she likes me or not..but my freinds where messing round on msn and they asked her if she liked me or not and she as a freind but my buds said what about more than that and she said yeh probably so now im not so sure if i should bucause from all da signs im getting it looks like she prefers me as a freind...so im really not sure what to do....should i flirt and get to know her better or should i just quit while im ahead

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In my opinion,you can't decide about her anything without talking to her.so it is better to you have a conversation to her about your feelings in (school) canteen or anywhere,if she is positive for yothen ask her out and if she is not interested then leave her.

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